Sunday, September 2, 2012

Mortgage Marketing: give life materials

Even after a great meeting with a realtor, you probably are not ready to do business with you again. So how do you keep them interested? How do you keep yourself positioned at the top of their mind? If you keep sending them the same marketing brochures calculator that will get bored. What should you do?

Think of your favorite TV show. What keeps you excited about the show and put in each week? Usually it's because the show presents a compelling story line, what you see in small sections (episodes).

When developing mortgage marketing materials to reflect this same kind of narrative tactic, to capture the audience's attention and keep them in tune for the next episode.

Maybe they are having a difficult time in the depiction is dripping information in a format storyline. Most people give all their information in one fell swoop. But their audience can digest only small amounts of information at one sitting, and that is how you must structure your marketing approach.

The first step would be sitting with your perspective and find out some information so you can customize your approach to them. What are their objectives, obstacles and challenges for the year? How do you plan to overcome these obstacles? They do not need help? What can you do to help?

After identifying their problems, you can develop the materials for the public. When you show how to solve the problems they are experiencing, the materials become magnetic to them, and not wait to learn more.

How do I start? After the meeting or phone call (it may just be a poll with no pressure), immediately sit down and write a personalized, handwritten thank you note. I thank them for taking the time to talk with you and know their problems. As you close the note, they say they can expect to hear from you with materials to help solve their problems.

Then, follow with a booklet. Many loan officers give the agent a brochure at the meeting. Instead, you are going to make sure that your brochure deals with their problem, something that could not have known in advance.

A perfectly designed brochure is a cornerstone of your marketing materials. It strengthens your position and get to thinking again about the first meeting or phone call. Now that you've had three contacts with the agent (or called meeting, the note of thanks, and now the brochure).

In the next phase, continue to send marketing materials. This time, sending material in a different format. People respond differently to a variety of packaging, some prefer reading, while some prefer to listen to a message. Send a CD-ROM with a flash presentation. Other items that catch their attention: case studies, special reports, testimonies, postcards, etc.

Another great source of information for the prospects are newspaper clippings. The press cutting continues the story in your prospects mind. The cuttings should answer questions about important problems, more problems that occur when problems are ignored and the consequences of such problems.

Agents are much more likely to give you the opportunity when your goal is to discuss their problems. They are inundated with other loan officers in hopes of solving their problems. The first step is to understand their problems.

Discuss the problems of the agent gives you two options: you develop a greater understanding of their challenges, create opportunities for ongoing conversations.

When you focus your efforts on the marketing mortgages storytelling and problem solving skills, you gain the attention of Realtors, resulting in a productive partnership .......

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