Monday, September 3, 2012

Increased investment Clean Tech Venture Capital

Clean Tech Venture Capital Investment

The accelerated rate at which CO2 levels are increasing, in combination with gas bubbling technologies that we have employees at this time, is having a significant impact on the ecology of the planet and it is up to man, to find new technologies that have a less severe impact on it.

Clean Tech can be still in its infancy, but is certainly growing.-Market researchers have speculated on the viability of clean technologies now I welcome you with open arms. It is expected that the proceeds of eco-friendly technologies, such as biofuels, wind power and solar power will reach $ 250 billion over the next decade. With venture capitalists increasingly trying to pump their money for cleantech, the market potential is immeasurable. In fact the day is not far off when the market size for cleantech will be measured in trillions of dollars.

The increase in investment

Up to now, very few venture capitalists dared to venture on clean technologies. But in the last two years have marked a refreshing change that will last for a couple of decades at least. Although not equal the frenzy of the dotcom investment of the previous decade, certainly seems promising.

Cleantech venture capital investments are more or less like electronics was when Silicon Valley was still in a nascent stage. Industry experts believe that cleantech has more or less the same potential to transform our world as virtually made semiconductors.

Why recession is not concerned cleantech investors

The global financial crisis has caused panic in all sectors. Everyone is worried about how the new world and that could be cleantech could also take a step back in efforts to rebuild the economy. But this is far from true. Many major U.S. companies are accepting and VC cleantech in the midst of this financial crisis. Despite the extreme volatility and risk that investments in clean technology were marked with the smart investors do not shy away from investments in clean technology venture capital firm. - ......

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