Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Negotiation Tip: Never Say No!

I go back and forth, exchanging e-mails with a potential sponsor seminar a world away.

And while it is very likely that we will never do business, not to give in to that initial perception.

If I learned anything in a few decades of professional speaking, consulting, management and publishing, is this:

"Is there a way to make every deal!"

Do not get me wrong. If someone approaches me to do a program of 12,000 miles away, and you expect me to charge only for the single hour or day that the speech consumes, so I'll refuse.

But not really want to say "no".

I could say: "I like to do this program and help you, but I'm going to need more billable time once there, to justify the four days that will be consumed in traveling to and from. So, if you can keep myself busy with commitments to pay a number of days, see what we can put together! "

A true declination lets only one problem: Where are they going to find a capable presenter?

But my answer provides a solution. It catches my party thinking: "How could we do?"

In other words, it generates a win-win situation, instead of lose-lose.

This worked for me, and that made my hosts very happy.

So, try this out!

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