Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Car Rental in Mexico

Thinking of traveling to Mexico? Be sure to properly research and give you a tour of the prices of car rental as well as the conditions vary from one agency to another. Although it may be convenient to collect your rental car at the airport, often car rental companies maintain a fleet of airport facilities.

These fees are transferred to the lessee. Checks for rental car agencies about better prices and also offer free shuttle service to your location, while the car rental agencies located in the town or city can be even less expensive, it is necessary to evaluate the taxi fares and the bus first. Be sure to book the rental car before traveling to Mexico, otherwise you run the risk of paying surcharges last minute.

If you do not rent a car in Mexico and would rather take a taxi, there are some things you should know about taxis in Mexico, particularly in Mexico City. In fact, America has issued the following information:

"U.S. citizens visiting Mexico City should absolutely avoid taking any taxi, but must call for taxis site, responsible people contracted in advance at the airport. The assaults and theft to passengers in taxis have become more frequent and violent, with passengers subjected to beatings, sexual assault and murder. Ask the operator your name and license number and license plate number.

Here is some information and safety tips on driving in Mexico. Driving in Mexico can be a good way to see the additional parts of the city or country, but be careful because it is the same as driving in Mexico to drive in America. First, the road conditions can sometimes be dangerous, as for example the combination of water, dirt and oil creates an extremely smooth surface that is probably more appropriate for a game of hockey.

Learn the local customs of driving. In Mexico, the track is marked by two routes, but does not mean that drivers will not create a third lane. In fact, in situations where there is little traffic, you can usually count on the fact that a third or fourth lane can be rapid. This approach seems to work well.

Defensive driving. Mexican drivers often do not bother to turn signals, then the lights are often broken or burned. This applies to the brake light, so please keep this in mind while driving.

Be careful with the beasts. Especially with livestock. In some areas of Mexico, traffic accidents with animals share the same roads with cars. Especially if you're not used to cows on the road, extra pay much attention.

Avoid driving at night if you can help. Basically all the above reasons.

If you rent a car in Mexico City, note that there is one day per week that the cars do not move to help reduce pollution.

Farol Strategy Online Poker

There is a significant difference between a bluff, a semi-bluff, and play loose.

Bluffing literally have nothing and pretend to have something. Semi-bluffing is to have a partial hand with the ability to win, but do not have anything "in that moment." Playing loose is a style of game in which cards are less likely to win are normally played.

The next couple of tips that I will reveal are probably the two best ways to successfully and correctly bluffing:

Council bluff into account the number 1.Ten general psychology of your opponents and try to use this. If you know you're a player who usually bet, you should refrain from doing so and bluff unpredictably. This way nobody will be able to judge with certainty when it is mintiendo.Si yours is not bet often and put boats, you may consider to change from time to time, throw yourself into lanterns or boats. Surely you believe.

Council lamppost No. 2. If you're playing poker with small limits, there is much to scratch. In games where the limit is easier to win high through a low-limit games farol.En, can only put small amounts of cash on the line significativas.Por offer no advantage other hand, the poker games without limit are the best for players who are experts in elfarol.Por so be sure you're playing a game where there is no limit, so you can successfully bluff and get more for your money.

You might remember a time when the lamp is not properly and threw a sack of money perdistes. Not only is the money, the worst is experiencing the pain of defeat and feel foolish for it. Would you like to not feel stupid with a lantern anymore?

Well, if you want to always win every time you make a bluff, you should make sure you're doing it correctly. The best help I can give you is to offer the advice that you take the time to learn a little more about the strategy of bluffing.


Hitting on the prognosis of Predictor

Everyone who has ever played football betting community knows how important it is forecast to get a good prize.

Of course if it is a simple betting prognosis is everything and there is little margin for error if it hopes to achieve a good result.

Luckily there is another way of playing by the pool which is a multiple bet, ie including double and / or triple in the forecast. Thus, being able to choose more than one sign for each game is much easier to hit and, consequently, the probability of doing so espectacular.Por fires unfortunately the bid price also rises dramatically with the same two or three times each sign is added to the prediction of the pool.

Fortunately there are some strategies to make plays of this type to a lower cost as reduced or conditioned, but always at the cost of collateral and not play all the columns that form the resulting combination of original forecast.

Explain this here might be too long and that is not my intention ...

Therefore, and finally, the most logical conclusion would be to play to the pool trying to find a balance between the forecast and play, the number of double and triple used and the price. An excellent alternative is to join a rock to play bets that otherwise would be unthinkable to take for yourself.

If you want to find more information and help to make your predictions of the pool each day I recommend you visit the following link: www.pronostico-quiniela.net


Old cars who do not want to have one?

In turn there are people who are dedicated collectors call to restore and preserve them as a hobby and then after a while sell for twice the price you buy it.

A car that now has over 30 years is considered old, and we know that the more time goes on these cars is better used.

As you know today's cars never come to hold as long as the cars before, either by manufacturing or material quality material.

Today is very challenged the use of old cars and their safety is not the same as that of a car now, as the performance of vehicles, or walking, or the mechanics of it.

Having many years the engine or brakes or clutches or accelerators of these cars tend to break more easily and more often, but this is obvious from the number of years and are over and the use thereof, which is why I I agree that insurance will ensure these types of cars because they are very easy to steal.

If your goal is to get an old car to buy it before I suggest you get a good mechanic to accompany him and his view of it, and once I get a good insurance company to assure the same.

In the city of Punta del Este is a place where there are over 70 antique and classic cars of all ages, original. Some are cars that have not been painted or modified that is never not be surprised if you find cars with all kinds of details, which will most likely be for your time.

If you love cars and have the opportunity to buy an antique car or classic feel free to do so.

and if you can buy a better American classic.

The Edelweiss Flower

Its scientific name, Leontopodium alpinum, comes from Greek and means "lion foot of the Alps'. Living in isolated and inaccessible areas, between 2,000 and 3,000 meters. It blooms between July and September and the leaves can be white, gray or slightly yellowish.

For centuries it has seen this flower as the ultimate symbol of love that could prove to the woman he loved. Youth Central European real undertook expeditions to get one of prized as trophies. Many died in the attempt, threw himself from cliffs or surprised by the changing weather in the Alps.

The edelweiss gained enormous popularity in the mid-nineteenth century, largely thanks to the Empress Sisi, as it was his favorite flower. The situation became alarming when the edelweiss disappeared from the roads and trails more accessible. Then, in 1878, when an international conference of Alpine clubs encouraged the governments of Switzerland, Austria, Germany and Italy to classify the edelweiss as a protected species.

The edelweiss remains today a symbol of purity of the environment, and see one in the wild is difficult. Also, if you are tempted to take you a home, think twice, to be a protected species, the joke can get expensive.

Save On Car

For those who want to do a sightseeing trip, a good option is to rent a car, as this service offers certain amenities, such as driver and long-term lease, for which only pay a fixed monthly fee, the company with the is hired.

In the Mexican market there are several companies with which you can rent a car, to find just enough to glance at Internet search on terms such as "car rental" or "car rental", as you prefer.

Look great on the rates of the companies and if they have seasonal promotions. Check availability of pickup and delivery points, and the days and hours of operation.

The first thing to do and how you found the car renting company is to look at insurance, ask if they charge you extra for the policy that protects the car and what kind of compensation covers, as well as assistance in case of mechanical failure .

The second step is to choose a core self, that is, only what you need, without extra luxuries, because these luxuries are the "extra charges" which are usually very expensive.

Reserve as early as possible. Keep in mind that cars are cheaper to rent first, so if you do not hurry you are forced to rent a car you get it much more expensive than you wanted.

The requirements to rent a car

If you are a foreign tourist, you must present your license to drive you credits internationally, as well as documents proving your identity, usually a passport, and your age of majority.

Sometimes the rental car can be driven by more than one driver, but you must provide this information to the insurance company to be valid. Also, if the police stop the car and the driver is not listed as authorized to drive, will be arrested.

While car rental can be a day or week, in some cases there are limitations on the number of miles to cover. Consultation with the company and choose the plan that you like. If you exceed the limit will have to pay extra charges, ask how much it would cost if you had to pay.

Monday, July 30, 2012

No family is immunized against Drugs

The drug is a great machine that produces weak and immature men. The younger you start a kid in the consumption risk in being "hooked?.

The harmful effects of joint, for example, are more serious than many young people think. In any case depend on the amount you smoke, the frequency and circumstances under which consumption takes. The most serious consequences will be if mixed with alcohol.

Joint physical effects are bronchitis, emphysema, tachycardia, dry mouth and throat and red eyes and infections, infertility, and predisposition to the accumulation of the drug in the brain, kidney and testes. The psychological effects go through a sense of euphoria and courage, but decreasing the concentration and reflexes, similar to intoxication. If there are severe poisoning hallucinations and feeling anxious time of persecution, the consumer may trigger violence. The addicted person can become apathetic, unmotivated by the studies, friends or work. becomes a loner, emotionless.

The boys are initiated into drug use by curiosity or peer pressure to which they relate, although occasionally the joints have proven does not make a person a drug addict, but a continued consumption is a symptom of dependence.

There are certain symptoms that reveal that a young person may be using this drug: increased preference for sweets, red eyes, memory problems, drowsiness, mood swings, withdrawal from sports or hobbies, increased expenses, dry cough , headaches, etc..

Keep in mind that drug use is initiated by law, usually within the family context-alcohol, drugs, snuff-which ends up being absorbed lifestyle. That's why parents should educate their children in a healthier and avoiding authoritarianism, fearlessly tackling the issue of drugs, talking to the children and report on this matter at any center for drug addicts. And although there is much that can not be alarmed or fall into fatalism, because, unfortunately, no family is immune to drugs.

Prevention of Drug Addiction


With the likelihood of being seen in Barcelona

Fans of the avant-garde artist Konrad Fischer may want to drop by the Museu d'Art Contemporary Barcelona during their stay in a hotel in Barcelona to have seen with the probability of being seen. This exhibition will be open to the public until October 12, includes an entire section devoted to the creations of the early German painter, when he worked with Konrad Lueg name, maiden name of his mother.

Fischer lived from 1939 to 1996 and studied at Düsseldorf with other famous artists like Gerhard Richter and Sigmar Polke. When he painted under the name of Lueg, Fischer created pieces that focused on sports imagery and the use of standard reasons, say the organizers, who also argue that became one of the great influences of conceptual art in the decades 1960 and 1970.

Outside the opening section of the exhibition, the focus is on the last parts of his career when he collaborated with various artists and used his own gallery in Düsseldorf to show works of artists such as Giovanni Anselmo and Mario Merz.

Art enthusiasts can access Macba from 11 until 20 pm Monday to Friday, except Tuesdays when it closes, and Thursdays and Fridays open until midnight. The entrance is permitted enters 10 and 20 hours on Saturdays and between 10 and 15 hours on Sundays. The ticket price is 6 €, or € 7.50 to see all the collections of the museum. For more information visit the official website of the museum or call (34) 93 412 14 13.

LateRooms.com anticipated that there will be a huge demand for hotels in Barcelona due to exposure with the probability of being seen and the recommendation that those who will visit the museum to book your stay as soon as possible.


New UC requires authorities to be proactive

Teaching is not a vital function, because it does not end in itself, the vital role is to learn.


Considerations, needs

The UC campus community just choose new officers who will be responsible for addressing the serious challenges facing higher education as well as political, economic, social and indeed the country, the university itself that is in a crossroads in relation to their role, responsibility to train, educate, not just the professionals that the country needs according to the present reality, but to work in solving so many problems facing the region such as Venezuela and where the University should play a more participatory role., guaranteeing its autonomy

The new authorities must perform their duties with efficiency, productivity, leading to the changes that the university needs to rescue his role, be more proactive, committed to a community that has confidence that he expects educational management is definitely a reality , to surface again, the academic excellence, research, train professionals to be effective, change agents to work with the country in its development, to carry out their functions date knowledge backed with ethical, moral, obligation.

The new authorities should use a participatory leadership, democratic, let them know that managing talent, human capital that the university has, without discrimination on ideological, political, micro-groups or individual interests. On the contrary, it should be known to integrate with cohesive work groups, engaged in their duties, goals, accomplishments, the university aims to achieve. Should be selected, choose the best of the best of their staff without discrimination, to establish programs, actions that benefit the University in all its operations.

You must rescue the academic merit, what experience is, what morals and ethics endorse, generated the changes that will encourage a new style of educational management, commitment of the university that the country needs. Authorities are required integrated systems with a known commitment to unify the efforts of the different functions of the university charges for results that benefits all and not a few. Reengineering is required on some topics that require changes in order to make way for effective administrative systems, budgets according to their reality operavidad, scholarship of excellence, research, autonomy, extension, institutional, community services, effective linkages.


The new officers each in its respective office, must give way to programs, strategies that lead to the changes that the university needs in administrative, academic, in all those sectors that require changes to accommodate the demands of the current scenarios and ensure that the University is really involved with a commitment to providing skilled professionals to the needs that the country wants, and dynamic gestures opinions, suggestions work with all programs that benefit the country in political, economic, social, cultural.

For reasons of space, simply point out some short-term topical authorities must restructure, more concrete in the academic and administrative staff.


· It requires a restructuring of the various programs of study in the University handles specialties in order to make way for a professional profile redesign is needed, according to the requirements of the current scenarios

Redesign the organizational structure, roles to be played by different faculties, schools to ensure operability, participation in benefit of all favorable results.

Designate under the management, direction of the respective Schools Facultadades and professionals, teachers, with guarantees academic, creative, innovative, democratic, and participatory with proactive leadership, generators of change, who can face the challenges and academic climate conducive to own excellent universities.

· Institutions dynamically generate research proposals, solutions to major problems faced by communities, agencies that govern driving.

· Find the way how to maintain a more dynamic relationship with respect to State programs, provide training and help in training its human resources.

· Select proper teachers who are hired on the basis of academic endorsements, experience, skills, specifically define the profile of university teaching currently required to meet the demands of the stage where it operates.

Evaluate the functions, performance of faculty performance based on results and make way for changes to rescue the educational level of agreement to the knowledge, tools that the present claims.

· To motivate the student community with academic interests, meetings, research that favor in vocational training and transition to a new student leadership

· Restructure the operation, effectiveness, of the? Areas of graduate feedback weaknesses that currently exist in the content, teaching, research, requirements, regulations,

Designate a proactive professional, creative, innovative, responsible for the management of postgraduate courses in their respective fields in order to generate a more active involvement of these studies with the needs, requirements that the country needs for its various sectors.

• Commit to graduate to be more proactive in their performance, to rescue its academic excellence and create the changes that are required in many disciplines that support the country. You need a postgraduate research, to publish their results, that their participation is more dynamic and above all, to rescue their academic

• Give way to graduate to be beneficial for the country, designing practical programs contended, new, to provide results based on the development of achievement for a Venezuela that demands it.

· Provide feedback libraries, update and improve IT services

· Take advantage of e-learning courses, on-line to allow the university to incorporate the requirements of the knowledge society, new information technologies


· Restructure the administrative and functional units make way for more dynamic, less bureaucratic

· Define operating budget more in line with reality

· Management of financial resources on the basis of transparency, efficiency, hierarchy of needs

· Activation of entries in services revenue, which the University can provide in different disciplines to different sectors of economic, political and social life.

To initiate changes in income, that each Faculty, with their respective school can generate services, lectures, projects, e-learning courses, on-line

· Institutions university clinic or hospital with various specialties that favor it in all its scope.


The new authorities must take a radical change to the way university management has been handled in recent years, more committed to the reality of a turbulent scenario facing the country, its resources properly administered, give rise to transformations that generate favorable results for a university to be effective, achieve academic excellence requires changes in the university community where this more integrated, to make way for a human resource proactive, committed, who can really take advantage of the opportunity given. It requires a university academic support, with teachers engaged in research and the cultivation of knowledge, the scientific research work, leading to new structures that support institutes, a university proactive, conducive to the country.

Mahjong Rules

I want to start writing the rules and details that make this game something super fun and appropriate for any occasion. The first rule is played with four people. They may play with three but gambling and dynamism and not equal. This game despite playing in many parts of the world still retains the original terminology used by the Chinese. That makes this game look very exotic and attractive Mahjong. This great game has the following characteristics: It is very easy to learn, with two games already know the rules, is a perfect game to socialize with friends, because it has four players, is very flexible, they play down certain rules that fit their levels of complexity and finally the board and pieces will last forever, because they are made of a material that does not deteriorate.

In this game you can not set equipment. Only four people, as mentioned above, and all four have different identities. After each round or split, other players decide how many points you give to every other opponent. Thus they gain points that will serve the final verdict.

To play Mahjong, you need the following equipment:

Four personasLos four sets of cards representing the four dadosUna cardinalesDos table (preferably square), but you could also play a redondaFichas with the names of the four winds

When you buy the game, comes with a set of one hundred forty four tabs: Thirty-six pieces of discs, thirty-six pieces of bamboo, thirty-six sheets of numbers, sixteen wind tiles, twelve pieces of dragons, four of flowers and four seasons.

Just because you have all your equipment ready players sit in the place they like and then decide who will be the one. First you have to assign the cardinal points to each player, but be slope has to be in the reverse order of the cardinal points genuine. Some people use dice to designate which player touches certain points of the compass.

As you can see the game is already being put super interesting, so I'm going to recommend that you begin to practice and learn the rules of Mahjong Free on this site. I promise you'll have fun.


Manhattan or love

This, this is a great city. I do not care what others think. It is so extraordinary ... right? Woody Allen-Diane Keaton in Manhattan.

Kalos Kai Agathos, the Greeks said, the beautiful and good in intimate union. So what happens when the beauty and goodness, which are the same thing, knocks on your door and not respond? What happens when one is so corrupt that has lost the ability to love, truly love?

Few film starts exceed Manhattan. Woody Allen, with the precision of a scalpel, dissecting the bowels of New York offering several versions of it, each one more critical and scathing. During the first three and a half minutes, the audience's enthusiasm is contagious to his city manager, prepares to mouth like the best dishes, merges with it to feel it fully, and vibrates with fireworks culminating scene. Within a moment, the Jewish black-rimmed glasses has subjugated us again with its power of seduction by making our own the words: 'New York was his town and always would. "

Filmed in black and white 1979 with excellent photography Gordon Willis seasoned with music of George Gershwin by New York Philharmonic conducted by Zubin Mehta teacher, Manhattan is considered one of the masterpieces of the New York director and possibly One of the most comprehensive and profound tribute to 'the city that never sleeps' has received throughout the history of cinema.

The viewer is immersed in a full story, at first, has all the ingredients of Allen's comedies: a Jewish writer, Isaac, who works at a TV show where the sickness prevalent and easy laugh, just leaving their work to write a book about his mother entitled 'The Zionist castrating "-Woody Allen, a seemingly happy marriage where he is having an affair with another woman he falls in love-Michael Murphy, Anne Byrne Hoffman, the second ex-wife Jewish writer who, after leaving, it is a lesbian and lives with her partner, educating, also the son he had in common the great Meryl Streep marriage-, a neurotic pseudo Electra complex genius seeking men - Diane Keaton as ever-charming, talks moralists in typical Amsterdam pubs, old movies, museums of modern art; psychoanalysts call them patients seeking help, night walks through the heart of Manhattan where love arises where it seemed to be accommodated only hate mixing philosophical and artistic appointments authors creating a swap unpalatable displayed as a final solution to any conflict provoking existential hilarious laughter in the audience knowing the absurdity of such distinctions, most of us have witnessed and / or starred in the that has more value as the argument that the argument itself, where truth prevails, not even seek truth, but rather seeks to provoke wonder and applause from the rest of the crowd in an exercise of pride to total mode of the Sophists.

Without perhaps meaning to, Woody Allen makes a perfect picture of Plato's cave, filled bars puzzling pseudo indifferent to the Platonic original sense of pathos, where the sense of community prevailed over that of individuality, the Aristotelian periphatos stripped of his love truth, discussions by shadows, domestic and intestine wars in which the psyche is reduced to its most vulgar, the concupiscible. In this is a great teacher, the Jewish director, to present the human being, basically as a set of leaden excrescences which is impossible to break because, in every attempt to free ourselves through the dialectic, we chained and deeper and deeper as if it were quicksand. Before it as shock therapy, only minus the humor, mockery, sarcasm, or cynicism. It seems then as if the world was a kind of Gehenna where souls are stirred together with a mixture of pity and, in turn, to the gloating and schadenfreude own.

However, it is the case in Manhattan. And it is because we have yet to discover a character. The first time we see the film, we realize the importance of Mariel Hemingway Tracy remaining until the final fifteen minutes, our eyes focused on what we believe essential, Tracy and consider it an accessory, a filling , a toy that Woody Allen Isaac used to replace then with something more valid, for a relationship 'to suit'. However, at the end or subsequent viewings, we realize the error: Tracy is the soul of the film, which gives dignity to the cops, the rest is trash.

No wonder that a character who barely speaks, and when it does, has an address outside the city going to tiptoe between conflict not to make noise, a woman whose archetype means perfect evening ride in a car horse through Central Park with Isaac, a person who cries and feels no bends, which does not hide his ignorance before the big issues, shown in total nakedness and helplessness before the vultures that surround a character ... does not appear, a priori, the soul of Manhattan but rather its antithesis.

But the Wizard of Zion we have prepared one of his best tricks. Manhattan / Isaac / Woody Allen, because all are projections of the same-they need to Tracy to complete themselves or, more exactly, to free themselves of all their corruption. And the movie, which had brought us by way of the dialectic as the only choice to order the chaos of existence, change the address and to choose the path of Eros, authentic love, to reach that Thelen. The failure of reason leads to the requirement of love to aspire to perfection, that is, the beautiful and good, the Kalos Kai Agathos Greek.

And here comes one of the most famous sequences from the films of Woody Allen: the scene of the recorder, where Isaac lists those things that makes life worth living, but only the last one that moves him names: the face of Tracy. And in that moment, Isaac has the intuition and deduction, not your happiness, the conquest of his own humanity, depends on the woman, has always been that way but he has only glimpsed at the end. Perhaps there are people whose nature will inevitably lead to Manhattan, to the material, to concupiscible, but Isaac finally gets the answer he sought throughout his life and the secret is revealed: Tracy will be a person or an idea that is the least-but the truth, the wonderful thing is that exists, exists even in a place like Manhattan, is in itself and is put there for all to proceed with his arrest and, therefore, the purification of our soul is our redemption. And everyone who has ever loved this and we feel as apodictic truth.

But Tracy is about to leave town, paradoxically, urged thereto by Isaac himself, only has a small chance to recover, to apologize for having fun using it as merely abused sexually disparaging its true beauty lay obviously in His goodness.

And now the climax of the film. Tracy's speech is far from being that of a person who harbors rancor and symbolizes a total break with all threads, by shadows, which have adorned the film. Tracy talks about moral values ​​without ever losing his humility. Again we get into the shoes of Isaac, and attended, perplexed, to the apparent contradiction, which is appealing to non-corruption, Isaac encourage me to wait until I return, to the invitation to believe more in the people ... This is at odds with the description you give of yourself Isaac at the beginning of the film and developed for a large part of it is an absolute antonymy immoral speech of the Great Babylon is the city of New York. Woody Allen Isaac is disarmed before those words, he said Manhattan worthless if they do not have to Tracy, the heart of both is empty, deserted, dark, barren without that element. Not applicable to the words, there is no counterargument to what was said by Tracy Tracy embodies precisely because the certainty of faith against the insecurity of reason.

Since I saw this movie, I've asked a lot of times about the meaning of the smile that Isaac displayed at the end, in fact, if I could talk for a minute with Woody Allen, my question is: is mocking Isaac and Tracy believed in it and will wait? The answer you give me reveal much about it.

In any case, this film transcends mere cinema. It is a work of art, pure beauty of form-Manhattan-and bottom-Tracy. Or in other words, pure goodness and pure beauty as an excuse to take narrative Love

Chapeau, iconoclastic New York, chapeau, Zionist outcast, chapeau, Wandering Jew.


Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Importance of Keeping Your Car Clean

Washing vehículosUsted enjoys driving his vehicle. And enjoy it more when the car you are driving has a clean and shiny. So how can you give your car a clean look and new? You can wash your car at home or center manual or automatic washing. 1914 was the year that opened the first center in the U.S. automatic washing by two men from Detroit. Low prices and best services offered hand washing facilities and machines are difíceles to overcome.

Why wash your car? Car wash should be done regularly at least once a month. There is always a danger of permanent stains in the paint, due to bird droppings, insects and leaking fuel or limestone. The use of washer is necessary because it helps to reach and remove dirt that can not be removed only by passing the wet rag. If the vehicle is dirty moisture accumulates in dirty areas causing corrosion. We look different and effective methods how to stop your car clean and spotless. We also like to offer a laundry center in Alcala de Henares manual.

Why wax a car? We recommend waxing the car every 3-4 months. Remember that waxing should be done only after a proper car wash. When waxing the car paint to avoid decolorice, protects against adverse chemicals in the environment and give your vehicle a shiny appearance. In general, the effect of treatment with good quality wax is applied correctly in the car for 3-4 months. Since then it is advised to reapply the wax treatment in the body of the vehicle.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Museum is Baluard

The King and Queen of Spain officially opened the museum in January 2004 and during the first month there were 55.000 visitors. This is an incredible value for citizens and visitors to the island. A visit to the museum will confirm that the words are not enough to describe the master piece of architecture that has replaced what was a vacant lot for over 50 years.

In addition to its success, is Baluard has been the subject of many critical columns. While some may find other reasons for so much negativity prefer to see the museum in its splendor. Baluard can play a significant role in the new Mallorca, as a quality tourist destination, while providing cultural education, art appreciation and enjoyment for locals and tourists. You have to praise the King of Spain and Mr. Serra, who 25 years ago had the vision to carry out a development strategy for Mallorca substance, meaning and cultural attractions Baluard.

One can feel immediately at a meeting with Mr. Serra's true love and pride he has for his wonderful collection, which is the result of their working lives. Mr. Serra has achieved a great deal on your business life, which has allowed him to expand his collection of his best artistic talent available. Each piece of art for art foundation dedicated Serra has personal meaning for her own and occupy a place in your heart. The Pere Serra's favorite picture is a picture of Rusiñol dedicated to his father in 1903, which was the original influence your child's love for art and culture. Sitting among his most prestigious paintings, Mr. Serra exudes pride in his collection, which has representation from many of the leading artists of the 20th century, including Joan Miró, Picasso, Magritte and contemporary artists local and Barceló.

When asked about the cultural development of the island, Mr. Serra said, "There are many opportunities to Mallorca, if politicians continue to focus and continue to offer good service to our visitors. There is a service NEEDS to develop the economic and industrial companies. Mallorca should make every effort to offer a welcome experience for its visitors. "

Baluard is the result of a dream, developed by those who love and are committed to Mallorca, with its promotion and preservation as a cultural element.

It Baluard Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Palma

C / Plaza Porta Santa Catalina S / N


Palma de Mallorca

Balearic Islands

Tel 971 908 201

Fax. 971 908 203


www.esbaluard.org Times

Winter (until 31 May / bis zum 31.05.) TU - SU / DI - OS: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm

Summer (1 June - 30 September).: Daily: 10:00 am - 00:00 Closed: 26 December & 1 January Prices: Normal: 6 Euros Reduced: 4.50 euros (Youth Card, students, seniors, groups ..)

Why Wine Region is famous for its Los Carneros Chardonnays and Pinot wines?

Many wine lovers do not know what it means to the Rams, this is an article that will help you understand this famous wine region of California. The wine region extends along the north coast of San Pablo Bay is known as the Rams. This is the only wine region that spans two valleys in the same region, the valleys of Sonoma and Napa. But because this region is considered as the best Los Carneros wine country of Napa and Sonoma valleys? And because Los Carneros region of California is famous for its wines and Pinot Chardonnay.? As the Los Carneros region is located in San Pablo Bay grape fields are covered with fog and the morning breeze from the bay of San Pablo . This cold temperature is ideal for the development of Pinot and Chardonnay in this wine country of the southern valleys of Napa and Sonoma. When we speak of terroir in viticulture refers to all soil characteristics, climate, rainfall, wind, altitude and even the orientation of a vineyard.

The region of the Rams is located about an hour and a half from the city of San Francisco http://www.winecountryprivatetours.com/Spanish/Vinedos-California-tours.html http://www.winecountryprivatetours.com/winecountrytravelguide. htm Many folks do not know what the Rams Means, I do not want to write a review but i just read this article and wanted to share it with Other About the Carneros wine lovers wine growing region: The wine growing region extends Along That the northern shore of San Pablo Bay is Known as Los Carneros. The Carneros wine growing region is Actually the only wine growing region extends That in Both Sonoma Valley & Napa Valley. Why this particular But wine growing region is Considered the best wine region in Sonoma & Napa Valley? The Carneros wine growing region is Located by San Pablo Bay. In other words, the wineries of southern Napa & Sonoma Located in Los Carneros region are subject to fog and breeze That burns off San Pablo Bay in the morning. This cool temperature effect the Terroir of This particular wine region. THUS, Pinot & Chardonnay Who Themselves express very well in cool wine growing region like this one, enjoy the great climate and cool temperature of the Carneros wine growing region! By Terroir, wine growers mean everything related to one particular vineyard Within a growing section related to the climate.

soil, subsoil, sun, the angel of the sun and the orientation of the vineyards! I hope this article will be of great interest and can visit this region of Los Carneros, the vineyards are mostly super accessible and caring staff are extremely friendly and wine producers are open to sharing their secrets in viticulture.

Who gets the house after a divorce?

In divorce proceedings conducted through litigation, one of the most difficult and time consuming is the choice of which of the two partners will stay with the house they shared during their marriage. However before taking any decision on taking into account the following:

If you stay with the house ...

a) You must be sure to stay with it makes sense to you, not from a sentimental point of view, but financially.

b) If the house is mortgaged, think not only that, but also in repairs, maintenance, property taxes, water, electricity and other services and expenses will have to assume.

c) To stay with the house in full, will have to pay your spouse the value of your hand, which is calculated by determining the value of the home minus the mortgage still owed, if any. Perhaps you could "trade" goods. That is, you'd have to give up your half of some assets you own jointly with your spouse to pay half of the house.

Believes that by staying with the house could achieve stability in a time of instability in your life. Perhaps you want to stay with her until the time of divorce overcome and then decide what is best for you to do. On the other hand thinks that selling the house could release them both and it would benefit you to start a new life.

Think about it and take a decision that benefits you.

If you sell the house ...

As mentioned, usually sell the home could not only improve your situation, but also that of your ex-partner. Consider how well you can sell, subtract the costs you have to do to sell and the amount owed on the mortgage, if applicable. If you plan to sell the product to divide, subtract that amount in half. What you have left will give you a solid financial base in order to find a new residence.

Your former partner is left with the house ...

If your former spouse is going to stay with the house, be sure to make a valuation of the property. Also, get used to the idea that it will not be home. It also takes into account your former partner may remarry and take your new partner to the house.

With information from: mx.finanzaspracticas.com

Four Tips For children of divorce

For families who are going through a divorce and do not know how to deal with, especially on the side of children, should know that they need love and even smaller ones, require a visit to a therapist to help them overcome this difficult time in the life of a child.

Here are some tips to be shared with these families:

Pack everything double

I know this may seem expensive, but makes a big difference. Double Pack is an essential element in which people do not usually think, but worth keeping the following in a small bag:

Phone charger or computer celularCargador iPodRopa, socks, shoes calzoncillosJeansAlgunos nice (just in case you have an important event suddenly) Two sets of books full school textoMaterial toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, razor blades, soap for face , lotion, etc. A "launching pad"

You must take a central place where everything is fixed, ie, something like a "launching pad". This launch pad put a small purse where your child can always wrap things up you need. Then, on the wall put a complete list of everything you always have to bring back to the house of your former spouse. Mark objects with a marker so that your child is not forgotten in the house the other parent.

Some of the things you should check are:

The bag cell activities LaptopRopa deportivasTeléfono weekend

Also keep on hand a sheet of laminated paper or a white board in which you can write the things you need to remember that they are special for the week (eg a costume for the dance, play equipment, etc.).. Perhaps cost you the hard work after the divorce.

Send a memo about the reasons for your divorce

Many families choose not to send a memorandum to the people who are part of your life to report on their divorce, either for privacy reasons or for not making the situation more difficult for the children.

However, although difficult, due to constant criticism and explanation, you have to do it. Explain to others the reasons for your divorce can be a good tactic to update teachers of children, for example, tutors and coaches about the new address and who live small, these people can be of great support to help to overcome the trauma of divorce.

Looking for other children of divorced parents

If the children are with children of divorced parents and contacts with them, will divorce as if it was a breeze. Always good to talk with people who are slightly older they will understand better what they are going.

Therefore, if your child can meet other teenagers or young adults who have gone through a divorce, try to make time to eat or dine together.

Whatever the situation, children need to know they are loved by their parents, anyway.

How to tell a woman you like

There are many ways to communicate with women. But it's definitely easier and more enjoyable way to tell a woman you like is flirting with her.

Flirting is what I like to call the pre-approach. Once you have identified a woman I want to be, and have decided to approach her, the fear of rejection rears its ugly head. Is fear arises because no one likes to be rejected. Flirt allows you to make the approach without compromise. It's like telling a woman you like, without losing status or shame.

Have you ever seen guys that deal with women only to be rejected? Think about it. A direct approach is not how to tell a woman you like. Women like to be flirted, they make jokes and be motivated to be interested in a man. If you flirt incognito. You let her know you are interested, and if she does not respond positively, then you know it's a situation where there is no progress. No harm, no foul.

So why flirting is absolutely necessary? Women need to know that you know how to tell a woman you like. If you can not let you know, she will not be interested at all. Women love words and wordplay. Like so much you can change the word "foreplay" (erotic games) for "wordplay" (puns). For them it's all about relationships. Words convey that. If you can not flirt in a graceful manner, meaning that you will want a relationship, no matter what you really want one or not.

It is a fine balancing act, a skill that every guy who wants to succeed with women to develop. And without this, you will not have any hope of getting the woman you want. By stimulating your mind with the flirting, give the feeling of being dangerous in a safe manner. Do your flirtations too aggressive, and you will become a bootlicking or sycophant. That is NOT the way to tell a woman you like. Try fun without a little mischief, and you will become a boring idiot.

Women want a bad boy. Someone who is also a bit dangerous mysterious. He will be someone attractive and interesting. Remember, while she is in a relationship, so be on experiences. Let him live a little danger through you, and she will take the whole ride. Flirting will give the thrill of danger without feel really bad. If you know how to tell a woman you like flirting, you can have all the women you want.

If you would like to see FREE VIDEO approaching attractive women in the real world, starting interesting conversations, creating tension and getting phone numbers and appointments, then watch this video for free now: http://www.consejosdeseduccion.com/

Importance of speaking a second language

Although our language is the second most spoken language in the world by number of native inhabitants, English is the universal language to communicate with people from all over the world.

The British market is vast and the advantage is that it is a much more developed market level of electronic culture and as a result are more accustomed to purchasing products and services online.

And in a global economy such as that currently lives and nearly 15 percent of Hispanics who are part of the U.S. population, according to the latest census, and other ethnic minorities, speak more than one language is definitely a labor advantage, more and more companies open their business opportunity to other countries, so they need in their ranks to professionals who can get along with potential overseas customers effectively and smoothly.

Therefore, among the requirements that companies need to put endless knowledge is a second language, which most often is English. In fact, a recent study says that people who know this language have a 44% chance of finding a job.

The need to master a second language increases relative to the profile required, since it is a requirement by the company for 58% of offers aimed at recent graduates. This figure rises to 65% in the case of jobs for middle managers and 100% for senior management positions.

By sector, who demand more firmly in their selection processes Knowledge of other languages ​​are job-related technical careers, profiles of the area of ​​finance and banking, and executive officers of law and various sales positions and marketing.

It's so important to speak another language, how to understand another culture, especially if it is oriented professions and customer service offices abroad.

It is clear that learning a language different from ours only brings advantages. Besides being able to communicate and interact with more people, both personally and in the professional field also means that you are presenting new opportunities.

As to the personal level, know languages ​​facilitates the process of adapting to any country and to enjoy a holiday or a working visit in a more intense and rewarding.

Today, one of the priorities of many school-age young or recently completed his studies is to spend time abroad for work or study abroad. Knowing other languages ​​may make it easier to make that decision and stay abroad can help refine the use of that language.

Professionally, learn English or a second language can make us improve our careers or access to a job more easily. Languages ​​open many doors in the workplace and is never late to get to study one of these courses.

On the Internet you will find a large number of pages, features, articles, courses, classes, etc.., Totally free that you can use as tools for learning another language.

While it is something that may seem difficult, the effort is worthwhile if only to learn a new vocabulary. Like a muscle that you exercise at a gym, the brain is able to function better in terms of organization, memory and expression when it is exercised. When someone has to speak in another language, it automatically improves your ability to speak their mother tongue.

Think a bit about this and I assure you dominate the other language, you'll be one step ahead of many to achieve your goals.

Health Tourism Welfare Antioquia in Medellin Spas: Longevity and Beauty in Colombia

Conceived as a search like that yourself. It is slower, not sure you find it, but if that occurs, the result is authentic. Authenticity is the transcript of your way of being: health and beauty.

First of all let us return to the concept of inner beauty, which includes psychological factors such as personality, intelligence, grace, charm, charm, integrity, consistency and elegance, and outer beauty (ie, physical attractiveness), which includes physical, such as physical health, youth, sexiness, symmetry.

On the other hand, good health is one of the factors that influence the welfare of people, which is why all efforts to ensure, results in human and financial benefits of enormous dimensions.

The clean environment is another factor affecting the quality of life of people, mainly through two aspects: the first deals with the effects on health, and the second to sustainable development, understood as the capacity of a society to ensure that the resources available for the current generation are also for futuras.No However the main factor threatening harmony there is no well-integrated approach to health, beauty and longevity is the stress and pollution of the cities themselves, rather than resort to surgery to shape the figure and resaltarte to others, rather than going to the stylist to use a new look, rather than going to the physical therapist to soothe you with passive exercise machines and others that serve to neck pain or resorting to food store to soothe your pains, soothe the digestive and respiratory problems such as gastritis or irritable bowel syndrome among others, as are alternatives that give you results certainly, but is not as foolproof as it provides the results you really need, only partial, not total to achieve better quality of life in the long term.

Stress weakens our body and may promote the development of various diseases, from depression to infections, to hypertension. But today, it also causes other problems: memory problems, abortions, asthma ... more reasons to get rid of the pressure and stay calm in all circumstances.

Stress is often implicated in many health problems! In addition, it also favors depressive disorders, cardiovascular problems ... This state of stress weakens the immune system, whereby the body is exposed to infections of any kind. However, nowadays increasingly more aware of the new dangers associated with stress.

Stress ¿? I agree!

Stress impairs memory! This is the conclusion reached norteamericanos1 researchers. In fact, have shown that this psychological state caused the release of a hormone in the brain called protein kinase C, which has a negative impact on memory. Thus, an excess of pressure during a test can make you lose all your media. However, the effects can be even more serious: this enzyme also acts in cases of schizophrenia and manic-depressive disorders. A strong level of stress can also be a precipitating factor in these psychological problems and can also aggravate symptoms.

When the pressure weighs

However, stress is not only a threat to mental health. You can have a direct impact on the line, at least in the case of women. Thanks to the study by scientists norteamericanos2, showed that women eat fatty foods preferably after a stressful event. In case of stress, are able to peck twice calorie products such as cheese, potatoes, stock, chocolate ... This explains, according to the author why women tend to peck. Interestingly, men seem to react the same way and do not change their eating habits after the stress overcomes them. Whatever your sex, get rid of stress is essential to protect your body

Stress will end with me!

Even more disturbing is the fact that stress can cause death ...! This is what some researchers include Yale University. According to them, the stresses are the cause of cardiac arrest, which often cause sudden death. Have shown that, in the case of patients fitted with pacemakers, stress can cause problems in the rhythm of the heartbeat, which is very difficult to control. Researchers take concrete examples to highlight the links between stress and sudden death: this type of death occurs more often on Monday mornings, or when war or natural disasters occur ... It is true that it is difficult to remain calm in these situations ...

A single lesson to be learned: keep calm in any circumstance.

But if you need extra help in Colombia, near the city of Medellin Antioquia specialized services are offered several spa-like facilities Medellin Antioquia (see videos click this link) that can have several special approaches (can be one of them or if 3 has the better) and have professionals in order to achieve a state of total mental and physical relaxation you need and successfully contribute to improving quality of life, better endowed places of tranquility surrounded by nature and to balance the harmony of body, mind and spirit:

Holistic Spa: responsible for providing therapeutic massage, meditation, and others that seek to give the joy of living (or Zen philosophy "Zen Spa") Wellness Spa, which offers services such as yoga aquatic or terrestrial, nature walks, massage relaxation, nutrition and spa resort consciente.Spa hotel which offers traditional spa therapies with the added value of an accommodation or accommodation very comfortable and like you're at home.

Today the concept of health and beauty in Medellin, Antioquia Colombia and generally take so much importance in this region offers the world a wide range of opportunities in health tourism to contribute to the inner and outer being, to know and take advantage of benefits depends on each person.

What tricks do you use to achieve health, wellness, longevity and beauty? Leave your comments on the following link to facebook and get wonderful surprises: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Spa-Integral-Abrham/196813277052262

Friday, July 27, 2012

Returning to Brindisi

Embrace the world was delivered you released your hands and pray to love that never leaves you. For those who know nothing sobe which is the city of Brindisi in southern Italy, we are reminded, a historic town in the province of Apulia in Italy, is located along the Adriatic Sea and has a magnificent natural harbor, a mouth that goes into the sea and connections with Greece, Turkey and Albania. In total, the port of Brindisi has 21 commercial moorings a linear development of over 3,700 m. Among the products it trades, are coal, fuel oil, natural gas and various chemicals. It is a pre-Roman city of origin in the 267 a. C. was conquered by the Romans. It was then a busy port and a stopping place for the East and Greece connected to Rome through the Via Appia, the Appia Regina Viarum and Traiana. Later Brindisi was conquered by the Goths. Formerly was a meeting between Eastern and Western empires and, later, at the time of the Normans, to walk in the paths pilgrims to the Holy Land

I was touched again return to Brindisi, after being in the summer this year in an age that had never been, like the winter, December, with cold, to spend Christmas and welcome the new with the familia.Lo I after spending nine days in Parma with a very low temperature down to 16 degrees below zero, however, Brindisi received me with a 12 degrees and rain, December 23 at 9 am. It has been written about it, that the city has always been a place of transit. Formerly was a meeting between Eastern and Western empires and, later, at the time of the Normans, to walk in the paths pilgrims to the Holy Land. That is why a city with many charms. These include the Corso Umberto I, a pleasant promenade with beautiful and unusual gift palm trees that give an oriental touch to this port city and the promenade, which is where they stay most of the tourists they expect out of your boat to Greece. The important thing is that this city is always safe, quiet, where people maintain the tradition of going through its cobblestone streets, brightly lit, decorated, by this time, sitting in their seats, going to the port to the boardwalk or eat pizza It is true that in the present facing a serious economic recession, which is manifested in unemployment, business nuche closed, but is kept in a very nice Christmas spirit.

Remarkably, these dates may be asisitr their free concerts where you can hear from Christmas music, Gregorian, popular, jazz, classical., As well as their christmas market contributes to improvise in their seats. In my stay has been dsifrutar a jazz concert that was in charge of Bosso & Caosterrae Fabizio Quintet in the former convent of Santa Chiari auditorium. The choir PolifornicoArcivescoville Basilica San Leucio inthe Cattedrale. The end of the year there was a concert by Stewart deAmii inthe New Theatre cercadeonde was staying. On January 2 is planned concert by Italian and Tatjana violoncionista Extremely Vassiljev Verdi in the new theater will be presented Sunday Matite Golorate, Coro di Santa Croce dela Baillica in Gerusalemme.Roma at the Basilica of Cattedrale This time it was in the square Vicctoria a huge cake that was shared with the people who attended the plaza. Spend the night in the family Christmas dinner, where displeased the Italian tradition, characterized by being together and enjoying food that is offered with good wines, pasta, seafood huge fish, as well as the typical food Pettole, a local specialty consisting of balls amassed chips, made from sun-dried tomatoes and capers, onions and olives play I get 2010 in this beautiful and welcoming city, where all bridisinos do with his family at home and friends and then come out to dance, dsifrutar Ami Stewart concert singing his songs during two hours of concert and to thoroughly enjoy a cold temperature between 10 and 11 degrees Celsius Despite the cold wet, Brindisi can enjoy and take a walk as they do their inhabitants in the streets of its historic center with joy, happiness and watch as everyone enjoys the ride, especially to its port, looks almost impossible to take the country in which I must return, Venezuela where insecurity is alarming and the Bolivarian revolutionary actualgoieno must take action to ensure that this does not continue increasing

Invent Your Summer

The official start date of summer is June 23, but it seems that the weather does not want to wait and tells us that the change of season is closer every day.

That makes us dream of beach days, nights and trips to places terraces dream. Have you already planned your vacation? If you have not, you must read these lines.

Imagine spending a few days of rent in Calpe, which are the dream vacation of either, or one of the rentals Denia with swimming pool where you can enjoy, you and people who accompany you in a natural environment in a setting in side of the mountain, surrounded only silence. Or if you prefer, setting in a busy place, with great holiday atmosphere, where visitors expect to find fun, discover new places and new experiences that make you forget the routine round.

A day at the beach as the sun will give you all the energy you need. You will feel the magic that passed the sea and the environment, walking at night along the promenade. Eating at a restaurant tasting the rich Mediterranean cuisine and exquisite dishes of the place.

These are just some of the experiences at your fingertips. Also breathe fresh air and get lost in nature without watching the clock, if you plan a day of hiking in the Rock of Ifach Natural Park or the Montgo. They are precious gifts that nature provides us and we can not refuse.

If you love the sea, where you can get started in diving and discover the incredible richness of Mediterranean marine life. You do not know what's on the seabed!

If you're looking for new experiences, join a class in sailing or windsurfing in Calpe Denia, you'll be the star of your own movie in the sea!

And, if it is not enough, take a train without a destination and open return tickets and travel to nearby towns, Javea, Altea, Benidorm, Alicante, ... All have something to offer!

Now you have some more ideas for your next summer vacation. Do not forget to make up your holiday is in your hand.

Clay, grass and hard courts - Ten tournament for Tennis Fans

Tennis fans are in luck. With a handful of good tournaments this year, during the early summer it gets burning.

Madrid Open, Madrid, Spain from 7 to May 17, 2009 was a great year for this tournament. In addition to becoming the first event in Europe where you combine the ATP (Association of Tennis Professionals) and WTA (Women's Tennis Association), to include a competition for women, the organization will use its impressive new headquarters, La Caja Magica. Roger Federer and Dinara Safin will return to defend his title. You can still find fairly cheap flights to Madrid.

Roland Garros, Paris, France May 23 to June 6 The second Slam of the year begins in late May in the famous red clay court, where a hard and consistent game on the line, and closer to perfection, are the keys to success. The elegant Parisian public mood all parties filling the atmosphere with "chic". You can still find cheap flights to Paris.

Wimbledon, London, England June 21 to July 4 Tennis Tournament most prestigious in the world will compete this year with the new and controversial tennis World Cup. However, tennis fans will come, no doubt, the All England Club grounds. In the Centre Court or Centre Court, with its famous retractable roof, will be tasted Pimm's (English vermouth) with strawberries, while below we fight for precious Davis Cup. Find cheap flights to London last minute and take the opportunity to enjoy the huge range of leisure in the British capital.

International Open of Germany, Hamburg, Germany 19-25 July. In its 104 anniversary, except for the Grand Slams, remains one of the tournaments most prestigious ATP circuit. It was here last year Nikolay Davydenko ended its title drought and became the first Russian to lift the trophy in singles. The tournament is held at the Rothenbaum Tennis Centre in the heart of the city, whose center court is able to accommodate 13,200 fans.

The Tennis Open? Angeles, USA July 26 to July 1 Enjoy the oldest professional tournament which takes place in Los ANGELES and offering rewards for more than a million dollars. This year, in its issue No. 84, the champion Sam Querrey will have to defend the throne against big names like Juan Martin del Potro and Novak Djokovic - both former winners of the Grand Slam.

Open Tennis Canada (Rogers Cup), Toronto and Montreal, Canada from 7 to August 15 and 13 to August 22 The tournament is held in two Canadian cities, Montreal and Toronto. Last year Andy Murray sealed his name in the title in Montreal. Canada has a long tradition of great tennis competitions always hanging poster renowned stars. There have won Agassi, McEnroe, Lendl, Becker, Borg and Federer.

U.S. Open, New York, USA August 30 to September 12 The 24,000 Arthur Ashe Stadium in Flushing Meadow will see the final of this prestigious tournament, 127-year history. The best tennis players in the world will gather in New York and try to dethrone last year's winners, Del Potro and Clijsters. Find cheap flights to New York before it's too late.

PTT Thailand Open, Bangkok, Thailand September 25 to October 3, 2010 The largest annual sporting event in Thailand, and only ATP World Tour event taking place in Southeast Asia, begins his eighth year as part of the tour. Despite not having the prestige of other tournaments, has attracted big names in the past as Federer, Roddick and Safin. Fans who have booked flights to Bangkok can check insitu as defending champion Gilles Simon.

Rolex Masters Shanghai, Shanghai, China 9 to 17 October 2010 In its first year on the ATP tour, the Shanghai event was recognized in 2009 as the best tournament of the year, according to the ATP players. So impressed was Rolex, which have increased their support sponsor for this year. Undoubtedly, the organizers expect similar success in 2010, and bring back the best players with 4 million dollars in the prize pool.

Kremlin Cup, Moscow, Russia 16 to 24 October 2010 Kremlin Cup was the first international men's professional tournament to be held in Russia, and since its founding in 1990 has gone from strength to strength, being recognized as one of the best ATP competitions route. Historically, the Russian players have done very well there and Davydenko lurking in the Top Ten, could do so again.

Australia Open, Melbourne, Australia where stars are born of Australia's Open, now in its issue No. 98, is part of the Big Four Grand Slam. In recent years there has been a good stage for rising stars look, The Australia Open, now in its issue No. 98, is part of the Big Four Grand Slam. In recent years there has been a good stage for rising stars look, this year has been, of course, Roger Federer.

Cesar Vallejo University, Lima North Vallejo Catedra Teachers On The Street

North Lima UCV

In the northern Lima UCV consummate just announced a layoff. 12 teachers who were in charge of the development of the subject Vallejo Chair have been accused of defending terrorism by the fact of life committed to teaching and the complete works of the author of The Black Heralds, Trilce, Human Poems, Spain, apart from me this chalice, Tungsten, Paco Yunque, Art and Revolution, among others.

The Private University named after the poet ends vetándolo. The Clemente Palma are gone, but there are the Acuña Peralta. The difference has to do with the times. The censors, without any ethical qualms and overwhelming ignorance, pursue their thinking but are enriched by his name.

Chair Vallejo is the name of a subject which belongs to the General Education Program, an area that has, among others, the mission of contributing to the integral formation of students in all vocational schools. Universities according to the powers conferred on them by law, define their curricula, their curricula, their syllabi and study sessions.

Vallejo Chair subject four years ago was a problem. The teachers then tried to make a course of pure literature, and a student, say environmental engineering or business administration, said: "And what good is it?". Then the teacher called Ballona Yovera July, knowing the life of Vallejo to assume the Academic Coordinator of the course.

Yovera formed a team of teachers Vallejo, some of them linked to Capulí, Vallejo and their land, the governing body of the poet Danilo Sanchez Lihon. A process of preparing the syllabus according to the mesh structure and curriculum that was approved at a meeting of directors of vocational schools in March 2008 and on that basis the syllabus was ratified and is improved over the semestres.Se achieved what seemed impossible: possession during all professional schools. The key, he argues Yovera-was in fact contextualize the life and work of the poet to the historical events of the country and the world.

The course became a space for reflection on the crisis in the country, schools of thought: the role of anarchism, the proposed primitive APRA and the rise of socialist ideas. The totalitarian intolerance obscurantism. The crisis in Europe. Fascism and the Spanish Civil War. The experience of the former USSR. In addition, they studied the work of Vallejo in the context of globalization and neoliberalism, therefore there was talk of social and cultural model of "development" primary exporting fundamentalism and a single thought. It was the straw that broke the glass.

He started a real witch hunt. Mr. Juan Manuel Pacheco Zeballos, Director General of the North Lima UCV, we aim to put teachers and accused of "apology for terrorism." Dismissed at a stroke.

Yovera said, our sources have obviously been Vallejo's own texts, the Basadre, Mariátegui, Ricardo Gonzalez Vigil, Marco Martos, Octavio Paz, among others, also those of Chomsky and Petras, and indeed, the articles Cesar Hildebrandt and Carlin notes. For Mr. Pacheco, this material leads to terrorist positions. It is unfortunate that a university is however emerging, have authorities that behave as true overseers, says Julio Yovera.

While teachers are fired for Vallejo Chair disseminate the work of the poet, at the same university some people have trouble with the law of their country (the case of Bolivia Jorge Torres Wafers refugee accused of crimes against humanity) and yet are protected by President Garcia and Mr. Acuña.

Ballona Yovera July, former Chair in the academic coordinator of Vallejo has been recognized for its commitment to Vallejo by the INC Cusco, most recently the Provincial Municipality of Santiago de Chuco, the land of Vallejo, declared him his adopted son. That does not matter to the authorities of the UCV.

Vallejo is not only on the street, are also with him the 12 teachers who spread it in the classroom.

Tupac Yupanqui Isaac Esteban IIJuan Villaloboshttp: / / juanestebanyupanqui.blogspot.com

Tips for a cruise

Why a cruise? Cruises are the perfect vacation for everyone: relaxing vacation with family, friends, cultural ... It is a way out of the routine and typical delays at airports trips, long car trips and hotel changes unnecessarily. Entertainment and amusement insured vessels up to 130,000 tons with all kinds of leisure activities for all ages: theaters, casinos, spa, gym, clubs, nurseries and playrooms for children, activities for teenagers, pools ... You can travel the world aboard a great ship and visit exciting places such as: Cruise the Mediterranean by visiting cities such as Barcelona, ​​Athens, Sicily, Rome, Florence ... excursions as a visit to the Bardo Museum (Medina, Tunisia), prehistoric Temples and Marsaxlokk (Malta), Taormina (Sicily), Rome, Nice (Monaco-Monte Carlo), Monastery of Montserrat (Barcelona) ... Cruise Spanish tourists and recommended that the output ports are usually Barcelona, ​​Valencia and Málaga.Crucero by the North of Europe, where you can choose to visit the famous Norwegian Fjords or the Baltic Capitals with excursions and visit Christiansborg Palace (Copenhagen) please visit Malbork Castle (Gdynia, Poland), Peninsula Virlandaise (Klaipeda, Lithuania), Medieval City of Tallinn (Tallinn), Cathedrals of St.

Petersburg (St. Petersburg), medieval city of Porvoo (Helsinki) ... Cruise recommended for tourists seeking tranquility, rest and meet great culturales.Crucero areas in the Caribbean: where will visit Aruba, Curacao, Isla Margarita, Grenada, Barbados, Mayreau Island ... where you can enjoy the extraordinary and famous Caribbean beaches. Cruising is ideal for tourists seeking fun and entertainment .... well as river cruises, around the world ... (the ship's crew will provide details of the tours and prices) in some of our cruises may contract the all-inclusive system in which in addition to food services: breakfast, snacks, lunch, snack, dinner and midnight buffet, enjoy all drinks (including spirits and mixed drinks) in all bars, restaurants and nightclubs of the boat. Vayacruceros.com invites you to take one of our fantastic cruise and enjoy an unforgettable holiday. What does a cruise?

Depends on the company you are contracted travel and cruises regime may include cabin accommodation in the contract, maritime transportation, all meals, drinks (All Inclusive), access to the disco, theater, casino, and other leisure facilities of the ship. Depending on the cruise may include shipments by air to the output port. Do not include personal expenses such as excursions, shopping in stores, hairdressers, gratuities, medical services ... What documents need to bring? All travelers, including children, must have valid passports and visas, vaccination certificates, etc., for countries that require it. Children under 18 must be accompanied by a written and signed permission by their parents or guardians, in anticipation that the same may be requested by any authority. What kind of restaurants I find? Depending on the cruise contract may agree with the maître scheduling preferences and situation both in restaurants. You can choose a more or less formal and decide if outdoor dining in the restaurant or the buffet. Usually the table will be joined with tourists from the same nationality and be served by a waiter with his language. How I can pay on board?

The board payment may be cash or credit card. According to the company you travel with at the beginning of the cruise will give you a personalized card that will include all the additional services consumed on the trip. At the end of the cruise will have to pay the total amounts charged on that card, cash or credit card (usually valid credit card to pay on board are American Express, VISA and MasterCard debit cards are not accepted or prepaid) . Remember to pay cash amounts must use existing currency (euro or dollar), making use of the bureau de change on board. What I have to tip? Depends on the cruise that will make the tips included in the ticket price will be optional or not allowed. In the event that they are voluntary board will indicate the appropriate amount. Program of the day - every night itinerary will receive in your cabin the next day's program that brings together the activities that can be made on board, day excursions and appropriate attire. It is recommended to carry it at all times and that the program will include all the hours of departure of the ship.

What do I have to use? The day's program will set the proper attire for every occasion. During the excursions comfortable clothing and shoes recommended. In less formal night men wear shirts and trousers (not necessarily labeled) and women in dresses or pantsuits. On formal nights and dinner gala label is required, women wear evening gowns or party and the men tuxedo or dress suits. How to book excursions? You can apply for the program of excursions to book your cruise, as it can be prepared in advance or upon arrival information board. In general, excursions are typically retained on board, except some special ones must book before boarding. Usually the price of the tour includes transportation, guide port (available languages) and I / tickets needed (meals and drinks will be included only where noted). Some tours have limited availability and some require a minimum number of participants to perform. ¿I can book a private cabin? If travel can only book a private cabin which cost between 80% and 100% depending on the category.

Are there any doctors on board? On board you will find a team of doctors and nurses / os available. If you use this service will incur the cost in the boat. Can I contact with the outside? There are several ways to contact the outside (depending on the ship): Through the mobile phone 24 hours a day, GSM.Conexión satellite signal, you can call from the cabin per connection satélite.Vía internet.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

How is Christmas in Mallorca

Christ's birth was celebrated in a festival for the first time - according to the written tradition - 25 December 386 in Rome. This distinction was the pope and his church's western Greek Orthodox Patriarch of the Eastern Church in Constantinople. He left the feast of Epiphany (Epiphany = Appearance of God). In addition to the birth of Jesus, on this day also marked his devotion to the Three Kings, like the wedding of Kana, where Jesus turned water into wine, thus, presumably, his first miracle, and finally the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan by John the Baptist.

The Christmas party has been established over the centuries as one of the most important Christian holidays in the Western Church, while the Greek-Orthodox Church the feast of Easter is theologically the most important in the calendar. Moreover, in Spain the Three Kings have acquired great significance. In the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands takes devotion of the Three Kings so strict, that these figures are placed just east on January 6 with the other figures in the manger. Theoretically could be more or less equal than three, since it is not known how many, or even if they were kings or where they came from so little. In the New Testament in the Gospel of Matthew, which incidentally is the only reporting on this event, there is nothing written about the number of kings. Oriental Stories tell of twelve kings, magicians and astrologers who attend the devotion of Jesus in the stable. Keep in mind that the title of a king in the Roman Empire did not have at least the same meaning it had then.

But, however, the number three is a fundamental element in the Christian religion and belief in the Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The number three is a symbol of perfection. Is the key to the whole world and corresponds to the theological virtues of faith, hope and love.

In the Middle Ages the idea of ​​leaving the Magi come from the continents known at that time in Bethlehem and assigned to the three stages of life. This is represented in the Gothic panel painting: graying hair, Balthazar, Melchior and Gaspar middle age the youngest. In the old transmission, color black never referred to skin color, but rather the hair and beard. Possibly a mistranslation is it that one of the kings have dark skin in Western thought.

According to deliver the gifts the Three Wise Men are also known as Kings of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Like many things in Christian mythology, it also has a character of multiple interpretations. Many characters from the Old and New Testament were overloaded with meanings to support its veracity. Gold is the meaning of kingship, frankincense represents God, and myrrh mean death, resurrection and salvation.

With the conquest of Mallorca by Santa Claus - the symbol of the world while Christmas gift - a confusion seen partying in Spain. Because instead of January 6, the original day of the gifts of the Magi to the Infant Jesus is the Christ Child who brings in "Christmas Eve" (the equivalent of "Christmas Eve" German), or 24 December invisibly gifts or Santa Claus comes in red-white - also invisible - known for Hollywood movies on the night of 24 to 25 December by the fireplace and filled with gifts hanging socks.

In Mallorca the family Christmas Eve dinner date is given together. The meeting is just like in England, cheerful and festive. Then in Palma seems that everyone is on the street. Midnight Mass in the cathedral is busy until the last square. Who arrive late, have to go cold and standing, because the only heat stoves placed a few feet away. Song of the Sibyl fills the space of the cathedral. Some people that he warms the heart, others excited with tears in his eyes. In the ancient world, the Sibyls were known to be visionaries. Legend says that the Sibyl of Eritrea had anticipated the birth of Christ, which is glorified in song.

After Mass, people go to the bar or cafe. One is with friends and acquaintances. We drink hot chocolate is so thick that the spoon is standing in, and eats a coca nadal, meaty pie with vegetables or sweet butter cake, or just simply eating tapas and drinking sherry, wine or beer .

On the evening of January 5 again becomes something very exciting for the kids Mallorca. According to ancient tradition, small place a shoe full of straw and their wish list or a pitcher of water on the sill. Thus, the camel passing through the house receive a provisions for the journey and the kings leave gifts as a reward.

This time, visible to all, the Three Wise Men arrive on the night of January 5 by boat to the port of Palma, the old pier where the exchange of maritime trade, the Llotja. Escort a group of 400 people and more than twenty cars holidays, music and fireworks and they are waiting. After the gentlemen of the East have changed the boat have been fixed camel coats, baggy pants and tilted crowns, the caravan moves, according to legend, from the pier by the "Passeig Sagrera," the "Jaume II ", the" Terminal "to the" Plaza de Cort, "the Town Hall. On his way there, throw candy to the crowd excited.

And for children in smaller coastal towns do not go without gifts, the Magi "multiply" across the Mediterranean island Kings Day. In coastal towns the Three Kings arrive, as in Palma, by boat. In smaller municipalities, parents bring gifts to the pastor, who is responsible for delivering to the Magi, and they, coming on horseback or by donkey, they are given to the petty kings and queens. Sometimes a tractor is just as well as replacement of horses or donkeys. Surely that is not as spectacular as the capital of Palma, but nevertheless you can see the splendor bright, baggy trousers and headgear fantastic from the front row.

Adults also give gifts for Christmas, while the January 6 is reserved exclusively for children, kings and the Spanish family. For a child it always receives the currency or the bean integrated into the coca kings - usually a coke batter and thread form - and can be crowned as "king of the day" with a crown of gold paper. Originally it was a pre-Christian custom to change the year. Who received the money or grain, had secured the lot for the following year. However, the Epiphany adults are not left with nothing: Beneath the cathedral has a feature entitled "Devotion of the Kings". However, this function of theater has developed over time into a cabaret event: Characters from public life theatrical characters of the Bible, that convey a fun, ironic and sometimes sarcastic current topics policy.

But finally all the parties are real parties for children. And his enthusiasm early on Christmas "twin pack" and begins in late November. For each year in one of the last nights of November, a crowd gathers fun of people in the Town Hall Square (Plaza Cort) and looks forward to light up the Christmas lights of the island's capital, under a huge applause. In the coming weeks the festive rows of lights transform the city into a tent of bright stars. And end point of which is the "Day of Reis' Day of the Magi.

Conquer A Girl - The Right Time To Say "I Love You"

Want to woo a girl and you've had a few dates with her, feel that there is some chemistry between the two, and you are wondering if now the right time to say the magic word that will conquer: "I love you."

Saying "I love you" may be the sweetest thing you ever say or can also be the same for you when you hear it first. It's a special feeling when the feeling is reciprocal. But it is true that there may be some type of risk to say I love you. If not done properly can be disastrous, but if you choose the right time you can win a girl easily.

Time is an important factor when it comes to proposing your love. You can make a relationship flourish only making the proposal at the right time. If you say it too early can destroy the magic of the relationship, so if you wait too long she may be tired. And of course do not want to ruin everything.

What I suggest is to wait anyway until you are sure you really want. Then look at their body language when he is with you. If kept at a distance, if you avoid physical contact with you, it is a sign that maybe are not attracted to you. Otherwise, you may think that now is the time to tell her you love her.

It is also important to consider certain things to say I love you. That's a strong word that can open new horizons. It requires your commitment and your willingness to accept the share. You also have to be able to take on challenges. Remember that there are only two words. Make sure to say I love you aware of all that it implies and do it sincerely. This gives you much more likely to win the girl you want.

If you really want to be sure of your feelings, because sometimes, during appointments with girls, we may have mixed emotions. You can feel love, or just feel admiration or sympathy, or just sexual attraction. These are not all synonyms of love, and it is important to identify what you feel and not get to tell her you love her if you really realize that you want to have a good time or spend a night with her.

Sometimes it is best to say nothing at all. When you see these finally sure that you want and ready to tell you, because you can do it.

If you reveal your love with sincerity, then surely come to conquer. Make sure you have a behavior that is hot, prepared a lot, even if you're not sure you can practice in front of a mirror.

Saying I love you can be very exciting, but when you say they are ready to face any response. Remember that love stories do not always have a happy ending. No matter if you are clumsy to tell your love, what matters is that you are sincere and honest.

After The That ...

The ESO is structured so that at 16 years, students should consider when and where your life. have completed compulsory education, but now what? Some of them, or depleted of student life, or by economic issues or simply because they want to, try to enter the workforce, which will provide money to support (although it would now doubt). Obviously I could not have everything, and if you decide not to continue studying, one must assume the consequences. Works in most technical cases, with a base salary and, obviously, a reduced labor supply personal capacity involves dropping out. Some others choose to start mid-level vocational training. The courses offer knowledge to the next job. Students better prepared and trained before are eligible for more job offers than before. The average degree cycles allow students to pursue higher level training, which is also accessed through the school. The training courses are also in vocational studies FP. Through the upper level training students will have a great training for better jobs, and will also have the opportunity to enter university.

One of the more career options, taking into account the possibilities and opportunities. To conclude, studies chosen by the majority: the high school. Following studies of the ESO, the school gives general knowledge of the various materials with which the young grow as a person and acquire general knowledge. From now on, must decide whether enter the workforce or training cycles to start up, or examined the selectivity and start at the university for further specialization. Whichever option you opted to you, this is a very important decision that students should to take it easy and great forethought and, if possible, with the help of a tutor for advice.

Entrepreneurial Education - Although you may not believe, does not require much money

It may seem a startling claim:

A good entrepreneurial education does not require much money.

I know it's a controversial statement, because they automatically assume I'm talking about institutional education.

Definitely a good education is necessary to succeed in life and unfortunately, this education costs money. Lots of money.

That's why one of the major impediments that parents named in my last poll of Education for Success, which asked what was the biggest obstacle they had to give them a good education for their children.

And it is true, many parents make huge sacrifices to deliver an expensive education for their children.

I do not want to minimize the importance of a good education, but does not focus solely on that option. You may submit a formal education and simultaneously promote other skills in their children that will be as - or more - important than a diploma on the wall as adults.

For example, a good education entrepreneur.

The education that both parents and governments want to impart is an education that allows future generations to be inserted into the labor market success.

However, education in achieving this goal is very different from the education required to promote entrepreneurial skills in people.

So I still maintain that a good entrepreneurial education does not require much money.


The reason is simple: entrepreneurial education fosters the entrepreneurial spirit that is innate in every person. Allow the surface the entrepreneurial skills that are already part of the intrinsic nature of every human being.

John Taylor Gato found this in an essay he did for children from 13 years in a public school in Harlem, one of the worst neighborhoods in New York. He managed to make students independent thinking and entrepreneurship, as normal for that school performance was well below the national average.

Because of their outstanding achievements with their students, was named teacher of the year the State of New York in 1991. However, it was labeled a subversive and rebellious to explain the methods used to obtain these achievements.

(You can read more about JT Gatto on this link.)

What every parent can do to encourage the entrepreneurial spirit of their children without spending much money?

Among many other things are these 5 simple key steps you can implement today and immediately make a big difference in the entrepreneurial attitude of their children:

1. Arrange blocks of time in which the children can do projects without interruption. To this must leave a busy lifestyle to stay quietly at home. Many parents involve their children in extracurricular activities that are not always strictly necessary. Involve additional spending and prevent the child learns to deal with their own projects.

2. Turn off the TV and limit the time on the computer If your kids spend too much time in front of screens of any kind, created a passive attitude toward life that goes against the spirit of enterprise.

3. Create a context in which it develops children's creativity: art corners, sewing, building materials, enough space to create and mess, costumes, Legos, etc..

For older children, ideally should be exposed to home business opportunities, income-generating projects in the computer, educational resources to generate passive income, workshops.

4. Reading good books with them, preferably classical literature. Talk and discuss books with their children. Enjoy the experience and teach them to love the experience of learning on their own.

5. Find good mentors for them. A good mentor does not have to be a teacher. It can be any person who has skills or experiences that are useful for their children and who have the vision to share with others.

For example, in the case of a child with facilities for mechanical, it may take an internship with a master in the industry, working at the shop in exchange for the studies.

The Pedagogy of Autonomy

Paulo Freire (1996). Pedagogy of Autonomy: Know necessary educational practice. São Paulo: Paz e Terra, 165 p. This text visa present the main ideas advocated by the educator Paulo Freire in his book Pedagogy of Autonomy. The introduction provides a expected on what would be his teacher's pedagogical practice in relation to the development of the autonomy of their students. He says the need to respect the knowledge of their recipients bring to school, because he is a social and historical subject, and since after his house several knowledge learned their day-to-day, so that the teacher must assess the knowledge, and develop more and more. That kind of thinking is that teachers should always have before entering the classroom, in which ethics called the teacher should have that is a universal ethic. The first chapter introduces the theme that "there is no discência teaching?, Makes clear that the teacher must be a great learner, and is open to seize the reality of their students, but for that to happen we need to be taken a rigorous methodology, the teacher is aware of its role in the classroom and use the rigor within the time you are ministering to their classroom teacher is also important when preparing your classroom, research, issues that will minister in the classroom, and also make learners seek and develop this area of ​​research, so that they become autonomous subjects of their own thinking, and are not only in banking education, through this research requires respect for that knowledge, the learner who comes to the classroom, which has life experience, but also implies criticidade educating That's why they can not accept everything they say as absolute truth, but must always filter the information, research to see can be accepted or not, the teacher must always be consistent when you are ministering in their classroom, so after that is not a bad example for his pupil; Paulo Freire shows that the educator must always make a critique of their practice to see if the methodology is used in the turma turma be effective for that or not, and be aware of when this change is giving the right; teaching requires recognizing their cultural identity, that is to be black, being female, being Pará , São Paulo, foreign and other.

You take pride in the past, since it was built over time that shows that each learner is different from one another, but there is a climate of respect for the identity of each student.

In the second chapter "teaching is not to transfer knowledge? defends the idea that the teacher should not transfer their knowledge as an owner of absolute truths and inquestionáveis, but helping the learner to develop that his thinking once said that knowledge is incomplete, as educators are eternal apprentice and that subject is always looking for new knowledge, so his knowledge is always incomplete, says although the teacher must be aware that the human being is a being conditioned, laid hold of a history, a culture and time, so it can be said that thought, is being developed along the time, and be aware that learners are also clinging to their realities, they must reflect on their own existence, Paulo Freire says that it must respect the learner's time, as everyone has their time learning , and each has its moment and right time to move in life, the author says that the teacher should have a good consensus to develop its activity in the classroom according to the time of his pupils, it is important that all teachers have an awareness of its kind and is always sensitive to the demands of their peers for better working conditions, it is important that the teacher is aware of the reality we are working so that it can develop a good agreement in the activity establishment where it is, all those who opt for the degree must be a spirit of optimism, knowing that through their work can help improve the world, it is the first to change their lives, and the students watching their example will have consciousness and will change your thinking, and the author concludes this chapter by saying that every teacher should have a curious call forth, because only that way can you know the general profile of the turma is can make a proposal for each .

In the third chapter "Teaching is a human especificidade? the teacher requires good preparation and Qualificação the teacher, and it must sure of their profession to better develop their teaching activities. And he says to the teacher to help him overcome his ignorance by educating, before he must overcome his own ignorance. The teacher must learn day-to-day with the students, and must always open for apreciações from students about their activities in the classroom, the teacher always remember that education is a form of intervention in the world . Presents a major problem that puts the teacher or educator in the democratic choice of work in the sense of enabling the need for ethically limit is assumed for freedom. He says that teaching requires awareness of its decisions that the teacher is the person primarily responsible. It is very important that the teacher in the classroom must listen deeply to the art of teaching. And call attention of the teacher that he should not be naive, and realize that education is an ideology, at this point presents Marxist influence in the text.

You agree that teaching requires disponibilidade for all questions of students and is always available to answer your inquietações, and that's open to dialogue with the learners. He ends his book by saying that the teacher must be willing either to the students. The work is a subsidy to be read by all students of any degree. In the structure plan the method the author uses to present his theory dialético pedagogical as the teacher can help you build your self-educating them of their knowledge in the classroom. The language used is simple, courageous and current. In short, this book is a book that helps teachers to develop better teaching practice in the classroom.

Correction Idiomatic: Queísmo And Dequeísmo

Queísmo and Dequeísmo dequeísmo The queísmo and two idiomatic errors that most often occur.

The queísmo involves the removal of a preposition must come before the conjunction "that". The preposition is usually removed preposition, sometimes also eliminated other prepositions (in, with). Examples:

Incorrect: Correct:

I learned it was false. ... That

I'm sure will come. ... That

We agreed that we would be at three. ... That.

That was formed out twice. ... That

The dequeísmo is the misuse of the preposition "of" before the conjunction "than" ex.:

Announced that measures will be taken soon. ... That

She told me not to engage in the act. ... That.

To recognize whether or not the preposition used, we switch (the part of the sentence that follows the verb) the term "IT" or by the expressions "it", "IN IT", "with that." If you switch correctly by "it" means you should not use the preposition. If you switch to "ON IT", "IN IT" or "with it", the preposition should be used accordingly. Examples:

He said he would not. = Said that. I learned to come. = I heard that.

There are a lot of verbs with which we make the mistake queísmo called because they are pronominal verbs require the use of prepositions, for example: remember, realize, learn, realize, sure, brag, boast, long for, settle, tired, stressed, etc.. There are also many nouns and adjectives that require preposition, for example: I have the hope of his return. It has the feeling that something good will happen. I have a hunch that I will do very well. I have the certainty that is so. I have confidence that triumph. I am sure that it is. He knew it was false.

The recall does not apply verb preposition and can not be used preceded by the pronominal forms, it must be said, because I remember that happened here. Remember what happened here. And do not say, for example: I remember that happened here. I remember that happened here. I remember that happened here. Just the opposite occurs with the verb remember, for this it is pronominal. It must be said, for example: I remember that happened here. It was agreed that happened here. Sometimes, strange to say, the preposition is followed by the conjunction doubtful if: You do not remember whether it was three or four.

To realize the verb phrase, which requires a pronoun and the preposition of, committed two errors: sometimes the preposition is removed and sometimes stands in the place that it does not. Let's see: I realized it was fake . I knew it was fake account. The correct expression is I realized it was fake. Just remember that the verb, the verb phrase can be followed by the conjunction if: I did not notice if she was there.


It boasts all-knowing. He boasts that

He did not realize that it was too late. He did not realize that

It was agreed that he had to leave early. It was agreed that ...

Remember that you must return early. Remember that ...

He did not realize that what we saw. He did not realize that ...

First Make sure that it is. Make sure that

I remember that it was very cold. I remember that ...

I do not remember if she participated. I do not remember if it ...

First he noted that we should not copy. Noted that ...

He was content to visit her once a month. ... He was content that

They reported that they would take drastic measures. They reported that ...

Did you realize that he was there? You realize that ...

Then he realized that his hands shook. Then he realized that ...

They told me they were not coming. They told me ... ...

I have hope you will come back. I have the hope that ...

He learned that was not true. ... He learned that

We agreed that we would be on Tuesday. We agreed that ...

That day I was certain we would win. I was sure that ...

He remembered he had to return the book. He recalled that ... It was agreed that ...

They said they would meet at five. They said ...

The president announced that steps would be taken. Announced that ...

I did not realize if they were late. I did not realize if they ...