Saturday, July 28, 2012

Four Tips For children of divorce

For families who are going through a divorce and do not know how to deal with, especially on the side of children, should know that they need love and even smaller ones, require a visit to a therapist to help them overcome this difficult time in the life of a child.

Here are some tips to be shared with these families:

Pack everything double

I know this may seem expensive, but makes a big difference. Double Pack is an essential element in which people do not usually think, but worth keeping the following in a small bag:

Phone charger or computer celularCargador iPodRopa, socks, shoes calzoncillosJeansAlgunos nice (just in case you have an important event suddenly) Two sets of books full school textoMaterial toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, razor blades, soap for face , lotion, etc. A "launching pad"

You must take a central place where everything is fixed, ie, something like a "launching pad". This launch pad put a small purse where your child can always wrap things up you need. Then, on the wall put a complete list of everything you always have to bring back to the house of your former spouse. Mark objects with a marker so that your child is not forgotten in the house the other parent.

Some of the things you should check are:

The bag cell activities LaptopRopa deportivasTeléfono weekend

Also keep on hand a sheet of laminated paper or a white board in which you can write the things you need to remember that they are special for the week (eg a costume for the dance, play equipment, etc.).. Perhaps cost you the hard work after the divorce.

Send a memo about the reasons for your divorce

Many families choose not to send a memorandum to the people who are part of your life to report on their divorce, either for privacy reasons or for not making the situation more difficult for the children.

However, although difficult, due to constant criticism and explanation, you have to do it. Explain to others the reasons for your divorce can be a good tactic to update teachers of children, for example, tutors and coaches about the new address and who live small, these people can be of great support to help to overcome the trauma of divorce.

Looking for other children of divorced parents

If the children are with children of divorced parents and contacts with them, will divorce as if it was a breeze. Always good to talk with people who are slightly older they will understand better what they are going.

Therefore, if your child can meet other teenagers or young adults who have gone through a divorce, try to make time to eat or dine together.

Whatever the situation, children need to know they are loved by their parents, anyway.

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