Thursday, July 12, 2012

Life and Success

Carlos Mora Vanegas

"Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life ... it can not be replaced [the person], or his life be repeated. So the task of each is as unique as his specific opportunity to implement it?.

Victor Frankl

You have to know to make the most of the opportunity given to us to stay alive and work for our personal success, achieve the results that we intend to show that we learned to properly use our potential without affecting anyone

Taking into account that says Arnoldo Arana, we are unique as a person. We have a combination of talents, skills, opportunities, experience and unique personality and unique.

That is, it is up to each work in our own growth, to properly use our talent, human capital to achieve our optimal use of life, enriched the transcendental, spiritual evolution as

We know ourselves, to determine where our weaknesses are manifest why it? , Where do your strengths? What is our mission? How to take the opportunity to live?

Reflect on what Arana tells us that we are in this life with a purpose. The search for meaning is the most important endeavor of life. As Albert Camus said: "The meaning of life is the most pressing question?. The belief that life has no meaning is related to the difficulty experienced by human beings to find that meaning, to get the correspondence between the need for meaning that resides in us with something in the outside world that legitimizes this regard that then contained within us. But the greater the awareness, knowledge, contacts and personal experience for the purpose of life identified the deeper motivation, expectation, appetite, the urge and determination to move towards achieving the meaning of life we ​​have assumed. The purpose of life gives it an incentive and a "sense of urgency? to live according to that meaning. One purpose of life also moves us to set priorities and live with an intentional focus, with the certainty of living the life we ​​want to live, and with the conviction of not wasting life.

Having a sense of living fills it [life] of enthusiasm and passion, which translates into excitement with a sense of direction. One meaning of life provides a sense of wholeness and well-being and profoundly affects the way we live, while serving as a fulcrum for the development of our potential as human beings.

This meaning comes to life as he becomes aware of who you are: needs, talents, skills, dreams, and needs of the surrounding environment. This crossing activates your sense of destiny.

It is time to have well defined the meaning of our life, to make way for the actions that lead to successfully achieve our mestas, mission, knowing how to use optimally the time the creative, innovative bring the knowing that we interrelate with our environment ,. With people who work in our growth without getting caught by conditioning, addiction, much less give way to sorrow. Knowledge to properly handle our emotions, energy.

Consider what we Arana cites that the key to work correctly, is to identify and adopt principles of effectiveness in your life and business. This ensures stability, meaning and lasting success. Now to identify and adopt universal principles of effectiveness, we need to change many of our maps and current paradigms. Dr. Ron Johnson proposed the following scheme for this purpose:

V erifique personal values.

A RTICLE their own ethical and philosophical matrix for life.

L ogre learn the correct perspective of the issues.

O rder your values ​​with the right actions.

R evisa and assess their growth.

COPE others with these truths (principles

We suggest Arena, which is considered for the success, it must be balanced. You can not be considered a successful person if your company just launched a great time, but his family is a failure and your health is a disaster.

We need to restore balance in our lives. This is achieved by integrating our lives. Amid the pressures of modern society, it is a real challenge to balance our priorities. Our agendas are overcrowded and time does not give up. It seems that we need 30-hour days. The key to balance our priorities is to learn to integrate our lives. The figure illustrates a puzzle life interesting. For some people - successful people - each piece fits into the proper place. The image is of a puzzle is completed, integrated. This metaphor is equivalent to an integrated, comprehensive and balanced. But sometimes our lives are like a medium build puzzles with many pieces scattered, no location. The image is of a figure is incomplete, fragmented and life balance.

Success in life is to know to balance our priorities and learn to put them in order of importance. A life is a life fragmented dysfunctional and ineffective. If we fail to integrate all areas of our lives, we live in an incomplete and permanent dissatisfaction. Each of the areas of our life must be balanced and integrated: Spiritual life (faith, relationship with God), physical life (health, recreation, leisure), family (parenting, marriage), work (business, profession), finance (stewardship, resources) and relationships (friendships, community involvement, social service, interdependence in interpersonal relationships).

To you to finally achieve success, just do not neglect your opportunity to live, know how to use properly its potential of life, do not waste your time, take all those actions that generate happiness, harmony, do not get caught by pessimism, negative , defends its authenticity, do not be manipulated, do not handle anyone, lean on their strengths and they will help you succeed. Do not neglect

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