Monday, July 23, 2012

Tips on How to get pregnant quickly and naturally

While there are many ways to conceive a child, most couples who want to start a family you prefer the natural route. Not only to get pregnant naturally, also to protect against the possibility of unexpected results, some people have religious and moral convictions that prevent them from medical and surgical means of conception. By following some common sense advice and words of encouragement, you can learn to get get pregnant quickly and naturally of course.

Learn to relax - Let nature take its course

Stress hormones interfere with biological processes that control the ovulation cycle in women and sperm count in men. You should be aware of periods of ovulation and things to do and / or avoided during that time, all these factors can positively or negatively affect your chances of conception, do not stress, take it easy and enjoy the company of your partner waiting for good news.

Determine the woman's cycle ovulation

There are kits ovulation prediction are designed to detect the presence of a hormone that usually indicates ovulation. The hormone in question is known as a luteinizing hormone or LH, and is believed to be at the highest level right before, during and just after ovulation. However, this is not foolproof as this hormone is also higher during premenopause, in the presence of some ovarian cysts and premature ovarian failure. For more precision, they also use basal temperature readings and observe monthly changes in cervical mucus.

Maintaining a healthy diet

One of the key factors that contribute to the ability of a couple to get pregnant is the health status of both men and women. Diets rich in protein, high in fiber and low in refined sugar have been shown to increase fertility. For women, maintaining a healthy body weight, without the constant fluctuations in weight is very beneficial because these fluctuations drastically interfere with hormones that are vital for fertility. Men who eat large amounts of protein actually increase testosterone levels is extremely important in the process of creating sperm and seminal fluid.

For much more information pregnancy, maternity and especially how to get pregnant visit

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