Saturday, July 14, 2012

Quitting with noni juice


Morinda citrifolia

What is Noni

Noni is a plant that grows throughout the tropics, especially in the Pacific. The ripe fruit is about the same size as an orange, and has a yellow color changes to white when mature. It has a bitter taste, not smell very good, however it is generally used as a dietary supplement food for their nutritional benefits. In several Pacific islands form part of the native diet, either raw or cooked.


Why produce an addiction?

Try to explain so that anyone can understand the process by which our body becomes addicted to a substance.

This is a "hoax?. Addictive substances are alkaloids, including nicotine, which confuse our body. For example: If you smoke one cigarette a large amount of nicotine is released into your body but is inactive nicotine in snuff plant, it resembles both the structure of xeronine that manages to trick your body proteins. Proteins agree to nicotine rather than Xeronine that naturally requires. Once the nicotine is accepted, inappropriately in the space intended for the protein has Xeronine, it activates a protein in the same way you would Xeronine but less effectively.

Why is it so hard to quit?

If you then continue to smoke cigarettes, giving our body a great amount of nicotine, the more you smoke the greater the proteins that become protein-protein Xeronina nicotine, making it increasingly difficult to quit because more and more proteins are not available to functioning without nicotine.

This is the reason to stop smoking becomes so painful. However, if nicotine is maintained outside the body for a time these same proteins are readjusting to Xeronine. As this occurs, the physical craving for nicotine disappears and the body will return to normal.

This same process applies to all foreign alkaloids that enter our body, proteins adapt to them and change their natural need for a xeronine unnatural alkaloids. While our bodies are saturated with these foreign alkaloids some of these proteins are stimulated to do work in excess, causing a state of euphoria for a short period. The difference in the structure of these alkaloids is that limit or enhance certain aspects of the natural function of the protein. The key is that the alkaloids are simply imitating the Xeronine.

When you saturate your body with foreign alkaloid this large amount of alkaloid in the blood stream due to the smaller group of natural xeronine, causing many proteins convert and accept foreign alkaloids.

How can the NONI be effective in the detoxification process?

To reverse the molecular activity of addiction, the body should be saturated with Proxeronine in the same way it was originally saturated with alkaloids, by doing this the body to Xeronine readaptaría, and so the problems and sufferings mean quit can be avoided.

Dr. Ralf Heinicke, Proxeronine original investigator theorized that addiction can be overcome with the same rapidity with which it was created under the tongue placing the juice from the Noni fruit is rich in Proxeronine, once an hour for three days.

The combination of noni juice, aloe + potentiates the action and absorption of proxeronine. We recommend drinking every two / three hours one or two measures of juice that comes in a bottle, depending on the severity of addiction, during the early days. And going by lowering the dosage as anxiety will disappear


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