Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Personal Growth

"The past has fled, what hope is absent, but this is yours." All of us present on this planet Earth with this form in order to seize the opportunity of life that has left us, we know that we are overrun with emotions that lead to these feelings and act according to the stimuli that activate, therefore we rely on our intelligence, which allows you to manage in such a way that does not affect us, on the contrary allows us to enjoy the opportunity to live intensely and to take advantage of the positive potential that each emotion generated. In recent years, there has been much emphasis on the relevance and scope of emotional intelligence and how it can encourage us in our growth in this regard indicates that emotional intelligence is a way to interact with the world that has very the feelings and includes skills such as impulse control, self-awareness, motivation, enthusiasm, perseverance, empathy, mental agility, and so on. That set character traits like self-discipline, compassion or altruism, which is essential for a good and creative social adaptation. We are not surprised to hear questions like: why some people do better in life than others?

Why are some with high IQs and who excel in their profession, can not apply this intelligence in his private life, which is adrift, suffering failure? The fact that the new concept that addresses these and other questions is emotional intelligence, a part often denied and neglected, overshadowed by the brilliance of reason, IQ easier to define and measure, it comes make a to be a skill that allows us to understand and manage our own feelings, interpret or deal with the feelings of others, feeling satisfied and effective in life while creating mental habits that favor our own productivity. Please note that although psychology has always known the influence of emotions in the development and effectiveness of the intellect, the specific concept of emotional intelligence, as opposed to IQ, was raised a few years ago by psychologist Peter Salovey, Yale University. And while there is no test to measure accurately, several tests or questionnaires that assess this aspect can be very useful in predicting the future development of a person.

Thirty years ago, a psychologist at Stanford University conducted an experiment with children of four years. We showed each candy and told him he could eat, but if she waited for his return would bring two, then left him alone with the candy and decision. Some guys could not take and eat the candy, while others chose to wait to get a greater reward. Fourteen years later, followed up on these same children: those who had endured without taking the candy and therefore better control their emotions in an objective function, were more enterprising and sociable. The impulsive, tended instead to become demoralized for any inconvenience and were less bright. I have this traffic light in this life, we have heard many times "control your emotions? and too often we are confused and instead of controlling what we have done is simply to stifle our emotions. This is a mistake because emotions are not in itself neither good nor bad. Which can be good or bad is our answer. In any case, emotions give us clues that we can examine to finally achieve that works in our favor. Within the emotional intelligence put 5 skills: the ability to recognize one's feelings, to manage, self-motivation, recognition of the feelings of others and empathy or ability to react correctly between the feelings of others.

These tools allow us to move between the flood of feelings and emotions and others. within this parameter is key to find out how we make our assessments with a series of reflections and have the courage to explore how we react to people and real life events. For proper handling of this parameter need emotional intelligence to take control of our thoughts, our conduct timely and reach nerve excitations
Do not forget that people are generally more emotional than rational, and therefore, empathy, patience, creativity and mental clarity are dimensions that help us get the most out of our management skills of emotional intelligence. Sometimes the only way to get a significant performance is to carry out major organizational changes, changes that are a pre-planned attempt by management to improve the overall performance of individuals, groups or the organization itself, by modification of the structure, behavior and processes it. If the change is carried out in a proper way, people must improve their performance groups. Any determined effort, planned and evaluated that can improve performance, has great potential for success. Definitely, in the modern world, with the new way of doing business, such things as personal intelligence becomes crucial. As organizations operate in more competitive markets and dynamic, reduce staff by restructuring or begins to be part of globalization which means strong changes in management style due the above, employees will develop new features to adapt or better yet stand out.

For organizations, getting the brightest in any field is a matter of time and money, but is much more difficult to find the fittest. This means technical competence and emotional intelligence. It is interesting that a high IQ in a particular subject area may become paradoxically negative to job success in the modern enterprise. This is explained by the common inability to accept criticism, advice and teamwork of the "stars?. Harnessing emotional intelligence does not mean you always happy and avoid disruption, but to maintain balance: knowing through the bad times that life offers us to recognize and accept their own feelings and come through these situations without injury or harm to others. The diffusion of this emotional literacy rarely assessed in its proper place, would the world and therefore organizations a better place, less aggressive and more stimulating. It is not clear the passions, but to manage them wisely. * Notes from the chair for personal growth, School of Management, Faces, UC


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