Tuesday, July 24, 2012

What About The Children And Their Parents?

Chatting with my friends lately have corroborated contemporaries who are suffering, many of them with the skills of some children. Suddenly watching the news, I noticed that there are thousands and millions of parents in the Universe that are locked in circumstances that do not wait. Or rather that you never thought that love so great, as are our children, to be ungrateful to crecer.Los parents married or divorced, are at the forefront of raising their young. There are often mothers and fathers who are unconcerned, who abandon their kids, who do not behave in a benign way, but in reality those are not the majority.

Usually the behavior towards our children from the moment of birth is: emotional, full of love, kindness, dedication and above all from the native point of view can be more. Over time our boys are growing and you try to fill all their needs of living, working for what they do not lack basic food, clothing, toys, in short everything a baby and a child demand.

Parents who raise us, not perfect, as no person is, but try to be as much as possible within the capabilities of each, taking pains in their duties for us. I say for myself and understand that in this way happens to everyone.

Many times we are cruel to judge when our parents when we can remember, without thinking that they too were raised by their parents and that certain patterns of behavior drag their parents.

Now I say that has unleashed a wave of indifference, children and grandchildren, to parents and grandparents, very damaging and sad. Or tell me - is what they think will not become parents and grandparents?. If you do not die for any consequences, the years keep passing and advancing age, so at any time if we have procreated we become parents, grandparents, great grandparents, in order that life to be with us.

No person likes to deal with temper, or neglect, we like to receive good treatment, and I can not understand what working hard to deliver the same treatment that we claim, who did for us so self-sacrificing work. Who protects us from cold, hunger, rain, storms. Those who educated us or tried to do as they could. Those who had a cold or sick when we got the drugs, eased his embrace our tears, we rocked in a chair or a car to reconcile our dream.

I've wondered - what would you do today, miss their parents, do not make a call to learn about them and yet constantly call or send text messages to friends every two minutes?

Even I question - why those close relatives left alone in hospitals without a spin?

I think if one of them was hospitalized, you may ask loudly that they were going to visit or join them. And can we as parents, even though we do not treat us properly, we were rushing to be with him or send people who care.

- Do not put in the place of loved ones or is that lost love? The truth is that something very serious is invading the planet earth, and not the responsibility of the development, because it could serve to even be better, this lies in the feelings, which is being generated in the video games, soap operas in the media and the examples that some parents are giving their young children, looking after his own parents despise those who have given birth to them or whom they educate.

There is a lack of compassion, kindness and mercy, but these feelings are born and grow when we give the example of adults around us.

I find that there are:

-Children when parents are ill try to take what they have and have achieved during their working lives, money, homes or property and so on. ie I have been aware of theft and fraud, from children to parents.

-Children who are not interested in the health of their parents, rather than just died, because they feel like charges. I do not think that these parents did for them during their childhood and adolescence.

-Children who do not care to hear from their parents, or being near or far, are created as independent or are so manipulated by others, who lack self-esteem and concern become insensitive to pain.

It would be a long list of facts to reach children who have killed their parents or one of them.

This is unfortunate, embarrassing, miserable and more.

It's a shame to have to write an article about a subject so rough and cold like this.

And again I ask - will the society we live in?. It may be because the U.S. is a cold society, to some extent, but the same is happening in Europe, in Spain, and in many places in the world.

I should mention that there are children good, honorable, giving life to save his parents of any children concerned enfermedad.Hay grave never abandon its fate to a father or mother viejita.Hay many children who care, who call their parents every day, regardless of distance, economic and emotional help to those who gave being.

But this is an article for those who have lost the right direction, the path of love.

I think most poor countries retain the traditions and resources where there are fewer people and family together more. Would have to know where the water gets the coconut, as they say in my country. The truth is that there is a great lack of affection and love that is breaking the family. If we reflect and think in cases like this or know someone who is going. Still time to help and use the divine mercy of our Creator.

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