Monday, July 30, 2012

New UC requires authorities to be proactive

Teaching is not a vital function, because it does not end in itself, the vital role is to learn.


Considerations, needs

The UC campus community just choose new officers who will be responsible for addressing the serious challenges facing higher education as well as political, economic, social and indeed the country, the university itself that is in a crossroads in relation to their role, responsibility to train, educate, not just the professionals that the country needs according to the present reality, but to work in solving so many problems facing the region such as Venezuela and where the University should play a more participatory role., guaranteeing its autonomy

The new authorities must perform their duties with efficiency, productivity, leading to the changes that the university needs to rescue his role, be more proactive, committed to a community that has confidence that he expects educational management is definitely a reality , to surface again, the academic excellence, research, train professionals to be effective, change agents to work with the country in its development, to carry out their functions date knowledge backed with ethical, moral, obligation.

The new authorities should use a participatory leadership, democratic, let them know that managing talent, human capital that the university has, without discrimination on ideological, political, micro-groups or individual interests. On the contrary, it should be known to integrate with cohesive work groups, engaged in their duties, goals, accomplishments, the university aims to achieve. Should be selected, choose the best of the best of their staff without discrimination, to establish programs, actions that benefit the University in all its operations.

You must rescue the academic merit, what experience is, what morals and ethics endorse, generated the changes that will encourage a new style of educational management, commitment of the university that the country needs. Authorities are required integrated systems with a known commitment to unify the efforts of the different functions of the university charges for results that benefits all and not a few. Reengineering is required on some topics that require changes in order to make way for effective administrative systems, budgets according to their reality operavidad, scholarship of excellence, research, autonomy, extension, institutional, community services, effective linkages.


The new officers each in its respective office, must give way to programs, strategies that lead to the changes that the university needs in administrative, academic, in all those sectors that require changes to accommodate the demands of the current scenarios and ensure that the University is really involved with a commitment to providing skilled professionals to the needs that the country wants, and dynamic gestures opinions, suggestions work with all programs that benefit the country in political, economic, social, cultural.

For reasons of space, simply point out some short-term topical authorities must restructure, more concrete in the academic and administrative staff.


· It requires a restructuring of the various programs of study in the University handles specialties in order to make way for a professional profile redesign is needed, according to the requirements of the current scenarios

Redesign the organizational structure, roles to be played by different faculties, schools to ensure operability, participation in benefit of all favorable results.

Designate under the management, direction of the respective Schools Facultadades and professionals, teachers, with guarantees academic, creative, innovative, democratic, and participatory with proactive leadership, generators of change, who can face the challenges and academic climate conducive to own excellent universities.

· Institutions dynamically generate research proposals, solutions to major problems faced by communities, agencies that govern driving.

· Find the way how to maintain a more dynamic relationship with respect to State programs, provide training and help in training its human resources.

· Select proper teachers who are hired on the basis of academic endorsements, experience, skills, specifically define the profile of university teaching currently required to meet the demands of the stage where it operates.

Evaluate the functions, performance of faculty performance based on results and make way for changes to rescue the educational level of agreement to the knowledge, tools that the present claims.

· To motivate the student community with academic interests, meetings, research that favor in vocational training and transition to a new student leadership

· Restructure the operation, effectiveness, of the? Areas of graduate feedback weaknesses that currently exist in the content, teaching, research, requirements, regulations,

Designate a proactive professional, creative, innovative, responsible for the management of postgraduate courses in their respective fields in order to generate a more active involvement of these studies with the needs, requirements that the country needs for its various sectors.

• Commit to graduate to be more proactive in their performance, to rescue its academic excellence and create the changes that are required in many disciplines that support the country. You need a postgraduate research, to publish their results, that their participation is more dynamic and above all, to rescue their academic

• Give way to graduate to be beneficial for the country, designing practical programs contended, new, to provide results based on the development of achievement for a Venezuela that demands it.

· Provide feedback libraries, update and improve IT services

· Take advantage of e-learning courses, on-line to allow the university to incorporate the requirements of the knowledge society, new information technologies


· Restructure the administrative and functional units make way for more dynamic, less bureaucratic

· Define operating budget more in line with reality

· Management of financial resources on the basis of transparency, efficiency, hierarchy of needs

· Activation of entries in services revenue, which the University can provide in different disciplines to different sectors of economic, political and social life.

To initiate changes in income, that each Faculty, with their respective school can generate services, lectures, projects, e-learning courses, on-line

· Institutions university clinic or hospital with various specialties that favor it in all its scope.


The new authorities must take a radical change to the way university management has been handled in recent years, more committed to the reality of a turbulent scenario facing the country, its resources properly administered, give rise to transformations that generate favorable results for a university to be effective, achieve academic excellence requires changes in the university community where this more integrated, to make way for a human resource proactive, committed, who can really take advantage of the opportunity given. It requires a university academic support, with teachers engaged in research and the cultivation of knowledge, the scientific research work, leading to new structures that support institutes, a university proactive, conducive to the country.

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