Monday, July 23, 2012

How to Get Pregnant After Taking Birth Control Pills

If you've been using for some time some form of contraception for family planning, but you've just decided to get pregnant, we believe with certainty that what you want to know is how long it will take pregnant.

The truth is that everything depends on the type of contraception you're using, but in most cases you should not wait too long to regain your fertility and start trying to get pregnant.

If you are a women using the minipill or progestogen pills, you can consider yourself fertile the day after having left to use. This is because it contains a very low dose of synthetic progestin that is easily removed by the body. Moreover, the contraceptive effects last no longer than 24 hours after taking the last pill. This is a good thing to keep in mind when using this pill as a contraceptive method, must be extremely careful and take every day to it if you want a surprise.

How to Get Pregnant After Taking Birth Control Pills - Other Considerations

If you employ Depo-Provera is synthetic progesterone or injection given every 12 weeks, you know you need no less than 13 weeks after your last shot to regain your fertility, and there are some cases where it can take up to one year if not more, to return to ovulate. On average, you should wait about 10 months after the last application to restore your fertility. But after a year if you have not menstruated, it is best to visit your doctor you trust.

And if the method you use is the intrauterine device (IUD for short) can try to remove it after getting pregnant, no matter at what point in your cycle you are. Usually you had fertility recover before putting the device.

If you want to get pregnant in a completely natural within 60 days, regardless of your age, click here.

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