Saturday, July 28, 2012

Importance of speaking a second language

Although our language is the second most spoken language in the world by number of native inhabitants, English is the universal language to communicate with people from all over the world.

The British market is vast and the advantage is that it is a much more developed market level of electronic culture and as a result are more accustomed to purchasing products and services online.

And in a global economy such as that currently lives and nearly 15 percent of Hispanics who are part of the U.S. population, according to the latest census, and other ethnic minorities, speak more than one language is definitely a labor advantage, more and more companies open their business opportunity to other countries, so they need in their ranks to professionals who can get along with potential overseas customers effectively and smoothly.

Therefore, among the requirements that companies need to put endless knowledge is a second language, which most often is English. In fact, a recent study says that people who know this language have a 44% chance of finding a job.

The need to master a second language increases relative to the profile required, since it is a requirement by the company for 58% of offers aimed at recent graduates. This figure rises to 65% in the case of jobs for middle managers and 100% for senior management positions.

By sector, who demand more firmly in their selection processes Knowledge of other languages ​​are job-related technical careers, profiles of the area of ​​finance and banking, and executive officers of law and various sales positions and marketing.

It's so important to speak another language, how to understand another culture, especially if it is oriented professions and customer service offices abroad.

It is clear that learning a language different from ours only brings advantages. Besides being able to communicate and interact with more people, both personally and in the professional field also means that you are presenting new opportunities.

As to the personal level, know languages ​​facilitates the process of adapting to any country and to enjoy a holiday or a working visit in a more intense and rewarding.

Today, one of the priorities of many school-age young or recently completed his studies is to spend time abroad for work or study abroad. Knowing other languages ​​may make it easier to make that decision and stay abroad can help refine the use of that language.

Professionally, learn English or a second language can make us improve our careers or access to a job more easily. Languages ​​open many doors in the workplace and is never late to get to study one of these courses.

On the Internet you will find a large number of pages, features, articles, courses, classes, etc.., Totally free that you can use as tools for learning another language.

While it is something that may seem difficult, the effort is worthwhile if only to learn a new vocabulary. Like a muscle that you exercise at a gym, the brain is able to function better in terms of organization, memory and expression when it is exercised. When someone has to speak in another language, it automatically improves your ability to speak their mother tongue.

Think a bit about this and I assure you dominate the other language, you'll be one step ahead of many to achieve your goals.

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