Thursday, July 26, 2012

Conquer A Girl - The Right Time To Say "I Love You"

Want to woo a girl and you've had a few dates with her, feel that there is some chemistry between the two, and you are wondering if now the right time to say the magic word that will conquer: "I love you."

Saying "I love you" may be the sweetest thing you ever say or can also be the same for you when you hear it first. It's a special feeling when the feeling is reciprocal. But it is true that there may be some type of risk to say I love you. If not done properly can be disastrous, but if you choose the right time you can win a girl easily.

Time is an important factor when it comes to proposing your love. You can make a relationship flourish only making the proposal at the right time. If you say it too early can destroy the magic of the relationship, so if you wait too long she may be tired. And of course do not want to ruin everything.

What I suggest is to wait anyway until you are sure you really want. Then look at their body language when he is with you. If kept at a distance, if you avoid physical contact with you, it is a sign that maybe are not attracted to you. Otherwise, you may think that now is the time to tell her you love her.

It is also important to consider certain things to say I love you. That's a strong word that can open new horizons. It requires your commitment and your willingness to accept the share. You also have to be able to take on challenges. Remember that there are only two words. Make sure to say I love you aware of all that it implies and do it sincerely. This gives you much more likely to win the girl you want.

If you really want to be sure of your feelings, because sometimes, during appointments with girls, we may have mixed emotions. You can feel love, or just feel admiration or sympathy, or just sexual attraction. These are not all synonyms of love, and it is important to identify what you feel and not get to tell her you love her if you really realize that you want to have a good time or spend a night with her.

Sometimes it is best to say nothing at all. When you see these finally sure that you want and ready to tell you, because you can do it.

If you reveal your love with sincerity, then surely come to conquer. Make sure you have a behavior that is hot, prepared a lot, even if you're not sure you can practice in front of a mirror.

Saying I love you can be very exciting, but when you say they are ready to face any response. Remember that love stories do not always have a happy ending. No matter if you are clumsy to tell your love, what matters is that you are sincere and honest.

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