Monday, July 30, 2012

No family is immunized against Drugs

The drug is a great machine that produces weak and immature men. The younger you start a kid in the consumption risk in being "hooked?.

The harmful effects of joint, for example, are more serious than many young people think. In any case depend on the amount you smoke, the frequency and circumstances under which consumption takes. The most serious consequences will be if mixed with alcohol.

Joint physical effects are bronchitis, emphysema, tachycardia, dry mouth and throat and red eyes and infections, infertility, and predisposition to the accumulation of the drug in the brain, kidney and testes. The psychological effects go through a sense of euphoria and courage, but decreasing the concentration and reflexes, similar to intoxication. If there are severe poisoning hallucinations and feeling anxious time of persecution, the consumer may trigger violence. The addicted person can become apathetic, unmotivated by the studies, friends or work. becomes a loner, emotionless.

The boys are initiated into drug use by curiosity or peer pressure to which they relate, although occasionally the joints have proven does not make a person a drug addict, but a continued consumption is a symptom of dependence.

There are certain symptoms that reveal that a young person may be using this drug: increased preference for sweets, red eyes, memory problems, drowsiness, mood swings, withdrawal from sports or hobbies, increased expenses, dry cough , headaches, etc..

Keep in mind that drug use is initiated by law, usually within the family context-alcohol, drugs, snuff-which ends up being absorbed lifestyle. That's why parents should educate their children in a healthier and avoiding authoritarianism, fearlessly tackling the issue of drugs, talking to the children and report on this matter at any center for drug addicts. And although there is much that can not be alarmed or fall into fatalism, because, unfortunately, no family is immune to drugs.

Prevention of Drug Addiction


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