Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Learn How to Manage Documents

The larger the volume of documents, the harder it is to know: Where is a report that is required?, File a document where you just write? or what to do with an email which contains an order?

They are also increasingly more institutions are asking: Should avoid duplication of documents and the use of outdated versions?, Is misplaced critical documents or files?, What can be done in improving the effectiveness of searches documents?, what documentation contains information relevant to the company?, what to keep and how to do it safely?

The need to resolve this situation adds that the documents lies much of corporate knowledge, ie intellectual capital of the organization. It is imperative to act and to act quickly.

Is essential to implement the ISO 15489 Information and documentation. Document management (generarlidades and guidelines) that proposes a specific methodology for designing and implementing the document management system, define the technical processes, develop and establish the main instruments of evaluation activities, measurement and learning that lead to continuous improvement of system.

From there it is clear that we need a document management application that would ensure that the information and corporate knowledge are shared. A tool that facilitates the information flow is organized and conveniently. A technology to integrate document management with the process approach and standards of quality management. Source: ecm

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