Saturday, July 28, 2012

Health Tourism Welfare Antioquia in Medellin Spas: Longevity and Beauty in Colombia

Conceived as a search like that yourself. It is slower, not sure you find it, but if that occurs, the result is authentic. Authenticity is the transcript of your way of being: health and beauty.

First of all let us return to the concept of inner beauty, which includes psychological factors such as personality, intelligence, grace, charm, charm, integrity, consistency and elegance, and outer beauty (ie, physical attractiveness), which includes physical, such as physical health, youth, sexiness, symmetry.

On the other hand, good health is one of the factors that influence the welfare of people, which is why all efforts to ensure, results in human and financial benefits of enormous dimensions.

The clean environment is another factor affecting the quality of life of people, mainly through two aspects: the first deals with the effects on health, and the second to sustainable development, understood as the capacity of a society to ensure that the resources available for the current generation are also for futuras.No However the main factor threatening harmony there is no well-integrated approach to health, beauty and longevity is the stress and pollution of the cities themselves, rather than resort to surgery to shape the figure and resaltarte to others, rather than going to the stylist to use a new look, rather than going to the physical therapist to soothe you with passive exercise machines and others that serve to neck pain or resorting to food store to soothe your pains, soothe the digestive and respiratory problems such as gastritis or irritable bowel syndrome among others, as are alternatives that give you results certainly, but is not as foolproof as it provides the results you really need, only partial, not total to achieve better quality of life in the long term.

Stress weakens our body and may promote the development of various diseases, from depression to infections, to hypertension. But today, it also causes other problems: memory problems, abortions, asthma ... more reasons to get rid of the pressure and stay calm in all circumstances.

Stress is often implicated in many health problems! In addition, it also favors depressive disorders, cardiovascular problems ... This state of stress weakens the immune system, whereby the body is exposed to infections of any kind. However, nowadays increasingly more aware of the new dangers associated with stress.

Stress ¿? I agree!

Stress impairs memory! This is the conclusion reached norteamericanos1 researchers. In fact, have shown that this psychological state caused the release of a hormone in the brain called protein kinase C, which has a negative impact on memory. Thus, an excess of pressure during a test can make you lose all your media. However, the effects can be even more serious: this enzyme also acts in cases of schizophrenia and manic-depressive disorders. A strong level of stress can also be a precipitating factor in these psychological problems and can also aggravate symptoms.

When the pressure weighs

However, stress is not only a threat to mental health. You can have a direct impact on the line, at least in the case of women. Thanks to the study by scientists norteamericanos2, showed that women eat fatty foods preferably after a stressful event. In case of stress, are able to peck twice calorie products such as cheese, potatoes, stock, chocolate ... This explains, according to the author why women tend to peck. Interestingly, men seem to react the same way and do not change their eating habits after the stress overcomes them. Whatever your sex, get rid of stress is essential to protect your body

Stress will end with me!

Even more disturbing is the fact that stress can cause death ...! This is what some researchers include Yale University. According to them, the stresses are the cause of cardiac arrest, which often cause sudden death. Have shown that, in the case of patients fitted with pacemakers, stress can cause problems in the rhythm of the heartbeat, which is very difficult to control. Researchers take concrete examples to highlight the links between stress and sudden death: this type of death occurs more often on Monday mornings, or when war or natural disasters occur ... It is true that it is difficult to remain calm in these situations ...

A single lesson to be learned: keep calm in any circumstance.

But if you need extra help in Colombia, near the city of Medellin Antioquia specialized services are offered several spa-like facilities Medellin Antioquia (see videos click this link) that can have several special approaches (can be one of them or if 3 has the better) and have professionals in order to achieve a state of total mental and physical relaxation you need and successfully contribute to improving quality of life, better endowed places of tranquility surrounded by nature and to balance the harmony of body, mind and spirit:

Holistic Spa: responsible for providing therapeutic massage, meditation, and others that seek to give the joy of living (or Zen philosophy "Zen Spa") Wellness Spa, which offers services such as yoga aquatic or terrestrial, nature walks, massage relaxation, nutrition and spa resort consciente.Spa hotel which offers traditional spa therapies with the added value of an accommodation or accommodation very comfortable and like you're at home.

Today the concept of health and beauty in Medellin, Antioquia Colombia and generally take so much importance in this region offers the world a wide range of opportunities in health tourism to contribute to the inner and outer being, to know and take advantage of benefits depends on each person.

What tricks do you use to achieve health, wellness, longevity and beauty? Leave your comments on the following link to facebook and get wonderful surprises:

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