Sunday, July 8, 2012

Dropshipping Work A Real Alternative

The Dropshipping is a form of retailing that is spreading very rapidly over the Internet. In a very simple is that suppliers send the goods directly to our customers.

The benefit comes in the difference between the wholesale and retail, with our work, mostly commercial.

If we better understand one example: A customer via our online store buy one or more products. We get in touch with our supplier, we ask these products, we pay the order and send you the bill. The provider prepares the order adding the bill that we do in the package, sending it directly to the customer.

It all seems very simple but it is better to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the system.


- Does not require a high investment to start the store, even if a member of Ebay, you can start perfectly.

- No minimum purchase required, some may require an initial purchase dropshipper only.

'We have to have storage and we saved the cost of packaging, labor, local ...

- Reduced lead times for orders.


- Excessive dependence of the carrier of the supplier.

- Not knowing the details of the products we sell.

- Drawbacks to control Estimated and dependence of one.

- Increased competition

-Fast and appropriate management of returns.

- We are the sole responsibility to customers.

In order to solve all the problems that quote, you must agree with our suppliers a good working method and get a good coordination between Store and provider.

The Dropshipping is a very widespread in the United States and other countries, and still not very common in Spain, so it is necessary to prepare in some way, our suppliers for everything to work properly.

A key issue is the maximum control over shipments to our customers because of their success depends on our success or failure. We can through the many agencies that are operating in Spain, to send our own carrier to collect orders and thus have control over the delivery online.

If we expand the catalog will work with products that not even the worst we will see and know, and by that I mean that any doubt the client will use to us, so it is essential to have a good knowledge of the products we sell.

If we work with several wholesalers, assume the risk that customers buy products from multiple vendors so it will inevitably have to meet them first and then send them. This is necessary to assess the profitability of the products we sell.

If we opt for a drop shipper will have established the problem of competition. But if we propose the system to manufacturers and suppliers who are not being used, in principle, be easier to bring them to market online.

After analyzing all this, it's best to customize our own system of Dropshipping, reaching interesting agreements, depending on several factors like, if we have physical store or not, if our product comes from one source or several, if we want to sell low cost products, if we try to launch a new product, if our supplier has experience with other stores.

The problem that we face if we begin a new activity is the lack of information, rather it but receive it in an adequate and complete.

I always recommend going to a good course to help us take the right steps and here we will talk about who teaches Alex Kei.

Dropshipping This course will teach you to choose a profitable niche to distinguish the best-selling products, how to create and manage an online store, and generate views of customers interested in products.

Also offers gifts of virtual stores templates, plugins for your blog, emails and letters models.

In short, all this does nothing to corroborate the idea that the Dropshipping is a real job alternative for those seeking work in the network.

I would like to know your opinion, for me is very important.

To read more articles please visit ManuelDiezNet.


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