Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Why did they fail in the affective Some successful women?

Many women start a relationship by choosing to be the male energy in the relationship, without even knowing it, when what you really want to be feminine energy is the one that is respected by his feelings. In this week's article will look together for a common case of how some women want to go from persecutor to persecuted and they fail, they end their relationships sad, confused and frustrated.

Marcela is a young, professional and successful, it is considered a modern woman, believes in the equality of a romantic relationship. He thinks that in a relationship they both have the freedom to call, schedule appointments, seek advice on labor and financial and believes both sides are also entitled to share with your partner's feelings of pain. Believes that men can demonstrate their sensitivity and still be respected and that women can succeed and be smart while being desirable and lovable.

Marcela takes part in a party organized by his company, where you suddenly feel attracted to a handsome man, sure of herself and her ideas of how to be a relationship, there comes to him, befriends the sensual man named Diego, the phone asks the next day she calls, both planned three quotes and then decide to have sex Marcela, Marcela believes that giving your body Diego, she would fall in love and then formalize a commitment.

Marcela becomes giving tips, gifts, sacrificing his time for the relationship. Diego thinks he has found gold, she is a beautiful woman, financially independent, sensual, not demanding and self-sufficient. A successful, independent woman who can take care while their work during the day and after work to give your partner love and a cozy relationship.

After 4 months she begins to make requests to him to start giving the same thing she did, or at least something, but he did not understand why she wants to change its role, confused in the first fight stronger of the two, he leaves and goes in search of gold that another woman comes along. Marcela does not know what went wrong in the relationship, you feel sad, frustrated and confused.

Unfortunately there are so many women who choose first Marcela be the pursuers and then want to be pursued and there are many men like Diego to respect the independence of women and are also trained to accept without blame all those beautiful and successful women want to give because they know they are loved by independent women who do all the work.

At the time Marcela became the relationship giving without asking anything in return Diego had no reason to care or reward their feelings of love and commitment.

This is why many women who must learn the correct way to interact with the opposite sex, making choices they want to play role in the relationship, they want to be pursued or prosecuted, which gives or receives.

At the time unknowingly Marcela chose to be the male energy in a relationship when what she really wanted to be the feminine energy it receives, after their relationship ended she felt, used, frustrated and confused.

That is why the importance of knowing what role you want to play in the relationship for the start from the beginning with a firm step and sure, before becoming too involved in a relationship that has no future.

For a love commitment,

Teresa Ruiz Pedersen

"You Personal Coach"

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