Friday, July 13, 2012

Treat Eczema With Natural Remedies

Eczema is a skin condition that refers to inflammation of the skin. Also known as dermatitis and is characterized by itchy red patches, dry, scaly. Not only did the eczema cause enormous discomfort, but often leads to unexpected flare-ups triggered by allergic reactions or environmental factors. This condition affects people of all ages but is more common in children . Although there is no cure for eczema, the combination of conventional medications, natural therapies and modifying your lifestyle can help.

The exact cause of eczema is not known. The researchers believe that heredity and a malfunction in the immune system may contribute to the cause of eczema.

Certain factors or triggers may also be responsible for outbreaks of eczema and these include:

* Irritants or substances such as soaps, cosmetics, household cleaners or detergents, chemicals, clothing, jewelry, or sweat

* Allergens such as dust mites, fungi, plant pollen, pets and any number of pollutants

* Sensitivity to certain foods, particularly milk products, wheat, eggs, nuts, chemical food additives, preservatives and dyes

* Changes in blood

* Temperature and humidity

How is eczema diagnosed?

The diagnosis of eczema was based on symptoms, a careful physical examination and medical history. Eczema can sometimes be very difficult to diagnose and often mimic other skin conditions.

Your health practitioner will ask certain questions to help confirm a diagnosis - when the condition started, if the condition is aggravated by contact with materials or products, changes in the environment. Certain tests such as skin biopsy, allergy testing can also be performed.

Symptoms and signs

Common symptoms and signs of eczema include:

Itching may range from moderate to severe in certain areas

* Red or uneven skin dry, scaly, resembling a rash

* Inflamed areas that may bleed when scratched or ooze liquid aqueous

* Blisters

* Skin cracked, painful

Help for people with eczema

Eczema Treatment usually depends on the age and individual health status, type of eczema and the severity of this. The primary function of treatment is to reduce the symptoms of itching and inflammation, and prevent the condition from worsening.

Medications such as antihistamines or corticosteroids, immunosuppressants may be administered orally or topically. Many of these medications have potentially harmful side effects and long-term use is discouraged. Another treatment option for people with eczema may also consider is ultraviolet therapy (phototherapy).

For treatment to be effective, certain changes in lifestyle are also very important. Eating a healthy diet, avoid foods that may contain allergens and aggravate the skin, exercising regularly, keeping the skin hydrated, they can make a significant difference to their quality of life.

Although many medications over-the-counter and prescription topical are effective for eczema, using these treatments for extended periods can damage the skin. The
Natural and holistic treatments are a safe alternative , more gentle to use without the harmful side effects or allergic reactions.

Best of all, you can use them as often as you need. The
herbal ingredients such as vitamin E oil, pipererita Mentha oil, Aloe ferox Bulbinella frutescens and work quickly to soothe and promote healthy skin with no problems. Other highly recommended herbs include Glycorrhiza glabra, Melia Azadirachta, Sambucus nigra and Stellaria media to help provide relief from itching and discomfort and reduce patches of eczema. In addition, Matricaria chamomilla, Galium aparine Asparathus linearis and also prevent infection and reduce inflammation and scarring.

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