Thursday, July 26, 2012

How is Christmas in Mallorca

Christ's birth was celebrated in a festival for the first time - according to the written tradition - 25 December 386 in Rome. This distinction was the pope and his church's western Greek Orthodox Patriarch of the Eastern Church in Constantinople. He left the feast of Epiphany (Epiphany = Appearance of God). In addition to the birth of Jesus, on this day also marked his devotion to the Three Kings, like the wedding of Kana, where Jesus turned water into wine, thus, presumably, his first miracle, and finally the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan by John the Baptist.

The Christmas party has been established over the centuries as one of the most important Christian holidays in the Western Church, while the Greek-Orthodox Church the feast of Easter is theologically the most important in the calendar. Moreover, in Spain the Three Kings have acquired great significance. In the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands takes devotion of the Three Kings so strict, that these figures are placed just east on January 6 with the other figures in the manger. Theoretically could be more or less equal than three, since it is not known how many, or even if they were kings or where they came from so little. In the New Testament in the Gospel of Matthew, which incidentally is the only reporting on this event, there is nothing written about the number of kings. Oriental Stories tell of twelve kings, magicians and astrologers who attend the devotion of Jesus in the stable. Keep in mind that the title of a king in the Roman Empire did not have at least the same meaning it had then.

But, however, the number three is a fundamental element in the Christian religion and belief in the Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The number three is a symbol of perfection. Is the key to the whole world and corresponds to the theological virtues of faith, hope and love.

In the Middle Ages the idea of ​​leaving the Magi come from the continents known at that time in Bethlehem and assigned to the three stages of life. This is represented in the Gothic panel painting: graying hair, Balthazar, Melchior and Gaspar middle age the youngest. In the old transmission, color black never referred to skin color, but rather the hair and beard. Possibly a mistranslation is it that one of the kings have dark skin in Western thought.

According to deliver the gifts the Three Wise Men are also known as Kings of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Like many things in Christian mythology, it also has a character of multiple interpretations. Many characters from the Old and New Testament were overloaded with meanings to support its veracity. Gold is the meaning of kingship, frankincense represents God, and myrrh mean death, resurrection and salvation.

With the conquest of Mallorca by Santa Claus - the symbol of the world while Christmas gift - a confusion seen partying in Spain. Because instead of January 6, the original day of the gifts of the Magi to the Infant Jesus is the Christ Child who brings in "Christmas Eve" (the equivalent of "Christmas Eve" German), or 24 December invisibly gifts or Santa Claus comes in red-white - also invisible - known for Hollywood movies on the night of 24 to 25 December by the fireplace and filled with gifts hanging socks.

In Mallorca the family Christmas Eve dinner date is given together. The meeting is just like in England, cheerful and festive. Then in Palma seems that everyone is on the street. Midnight Mass in the cathedral is busy until the last square. Who arrive late, have to go cold and standing, because the only heat stoves placed a few feet away. Song of the Sibyl fills the space of the cathedral. Some people that he warms the heart, others excited with tears in his eyes. In the ancient world, the Sibyls were known to be visionaries. Legend says that the Sibyl of Eritrea had anticipated the birth of Christ, which is glorified in song.

After Mass, people go to the bar or cafe. One is with friends and acquaintances. We drink hot chocolate is so thick that the spoon is standing in, and eats a coca nadal, meaty pie with vegetables or sweet butter cake, or just simply eating tapas and drinking sherry, wine or beer .

On the evening of January 5 again becomes something very exciting for the kids Mallorca. According to ancient tradition, small place a shoe full of straw and their wish list or a pitcher of water on the sill. Thus, the camel passing through the house receive a provisions for the journey and the kings leave gifts as a reward.

This time, visible to all, the Three Wise Men arrive on the night of January 5 by boat to the port of Palma, the old pier where the exchange of maritime trade, the Llotja. Escort a group of 400 people and more than twenty cars holidays, music and fireworks and they are waiting. After the gentlemen of the East have changed the boat have been fixed camel coats, baggy pants and tilted crowns, the caravan moves, according to legend, from the pier by the "Passeig Sagrera," the "Jaume II ", the" Terminal "to the" Plaza de Cort, "the Town Hall. On his way there, throw candy to the crowd excited.

And for children in smaller coastal towns do not go without gifts, the Magi "multiply" across the Mediterranean island Kings Day. In coastal towns the Three Kings arrive, as in Palma, by boat. In smaller municipalities, parents bring gifts to the pastor, who is responsible for delivering to the Magi, and they, coming on horseback or by donkey, they are given to the petty kings and queens. Sometimes a tractor is just as well as replacement of horses or donkeys. Surely that is not as spectacular as the capital of Palma, but nevertheless you can see the splendor bright, baggy trousers and headgear fantastic from the front row.

Adults also give gifts for Christmas, while the January 6 is reserved exclusively for children, kings and the Spanish family. For a child it always receives the currency or the bean integrated into the coca kings - usually a coke batter and thread form - and can be crowned as "king of the day" with a crown of gold paper. Originally it was a pre-Christian custom to change the year. Who received the money or grain, had secured the lot for the following year. However, the Epiphany adults are not left with nothing: Beneath the cathedral has a feature entitled "Devotion of the Kings". However, this function of theater has developed over time into a cabaret event: Characters from public life theatrical characters of the Bible, that convey a fun, ironic and sometimes sarcastic current topics policy.

But finally all the parties are real parties for children. And his enthusiasm early on Christmas "twin pack" and begins in late November. For each year in one of the last nights of November, a crowd gathers fun of people in the Town Hall Square (Plaza Cort) and looks forward to light up the Christmas lights of the island's capital, under a huge applause. In the coming weeks the festive rows of lights transform the city into a tent of bright stars. And end point of which is the "Day of Reis' Day of the Magi.

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