Thursday, July 12, 2012

Opportunism in the Originating Motion


We as a precedent in a previous article I referred to the processes of appointment to the leadership within the original motion, which are generated from the rescue of the values ​​and traditions of each of the towns that comprise it.

Needless to say that this implies the responsibility of leading the struggle within the nation vindication Creole at the moment is the dominating us because of the high degree of acculturation, largely thanks to the high degree of misinformation that prevails and it does originating movements do not, for now, a north enrumbar defined for the rescue of their rights which have been violated for centuries before the disappearance of creole nation subjugating rights has been established, making us believe that we are only one nation and we have the same tradition. It is the example of what happens in communities from Santiago de Chuco in a sector that dominates the clutches of drugs and even under the government and judicial wires: There is chosen queen and maids of honor to preside over the anniversary either school or community, like we were a monarchy, that when they proposed the name as a reference to a aclla sumaq ñusta qolla or which are the first and second wife as a reminder of our identity, what they did is to contradict and argue that it is not used, that is out of focus and so on.

Such arguments we demonstrate the high degree of loss of identity in these communities. And have lost their identity, acquire all the vices and deceptions that sustain the Creole nation and its leaders currently subjugate us.

It is from there that the natives have tried to undermine the original movements, and even from the inside with items that have sought personal role in some cases the pecuniary advantage. All so that the movement does not hold. In these organizations, who only seek such returns, as did the old left of Javier Diez Canseco, Breña Pantoja and other specimens that all they seek is to deceive the just aspirations of our people. Under the pretext that we should give battle to the bourgeoisie in its own grounds, or in parliament. Where exactly are diluted all the aspirations of our people. For there is manipulated by the economic power of the masters of the country on both sides, both kings of the drug lords, as the owners of Peru's economy. These same habits, unfortunately for originating movements are occurring in our midst. There we have for now Alberto Pizango, who without the relevant conditions is trying to deceive the brothers of some communities to embark on the adventure electoral bourgeois Creoles, knowing that this is a ploy by our enemies of the nation to which we reinvindaciones forget our main problem and, as is the ownership of land and natural resources which are being donated by the government of the day in full view of everyone without the slightest protest.

As is known in the negotiations with many multinational companies, to seize the resources of the Amazon. They go into a game that imperialism has always longed and wished very hard, as is the handling of the Amazon under the patronage of the United Nations as a figurehead. For as their own textbooks printed in the United States and in which students are of that nation. They make us see how irresponsible our resources to plunder and pollute nature with open-pit mines,

oil wells without environmental management, there are very corrupt governments. There in that dance Pizango want to go to make electoral masquerade carnival that. From here we warned that means undermining the original motion, as was once the Lord your CONACAMI Palacin and other grotesques that all they did is to play into the local bourgeoisie to enable them to implement its original anti , one that strips the original peoples of their territories and their identidad.Por say and it warned the brothers not to be fooled by the siren song of some brethren, where we do not know if they traded with the enemy of our peoples and nations. For at the precise moment when we must develop original movement organization, they seek to divert attention at this stage. We say: What is the purpose, they pursue?

Tupac Yupanqui Isaac Esteban IIJuan Villalobos.http: / /

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