Friday, July 27, 2012

Cesar Vallejo University, Lima North Vallejo Catedra Teachers On The Street

North Lima UCV

In the northern Lima UCV consummate just announced a layoff. 12 teachers who were in charge of the development of the subject Vallejo Chair have been accused of defending terrorism by the fact of life committed to teaching and the complete works of the author of The Black Heralds, Trilce, Human Poems, Spain, apart from me this chalice, Tungsten, Paco Yunque, Art and Revolution, among others.

The Private University named after the poet ends vetándolo. The Clemente Palma are gone, but there are the Acuña Peralta. The difference has to do with the times. The censors, without any ethical qualms and overwhelming ignorance, pursue their thinking but are enriched by his name.

Chair Vallejo is the name of a subject which belongs to the General Education Program, an area that has, among others, the mission of contributing to the integral formation of students in all vocational schools. Universities according to the powers conferred on them by law, define their curricula, their curricula, their syllabi and study sessions.

Vallejo Chair subject four years ago was a problem. The teachers then tried to make a course of pure literature, and a student, say environmental engineering or business administration, said: "And what good is it?". Then the teacher called Ballona Yovera July, knowing the life of Vallejo to assume the Academic Coordinator of the course.

Yovera formed a team of teachers Vallejo, some of them linked to Capulí, Vallejo and their land, the governing body of the poet Danilo Sanchez Lihon. A process of preparing the syllabus according to the mesh structure and curriculum that was approved at a meeting of directors of vocational schools in March 2008 and on that basis the syllabus was ratified and is improved over the semestres.Se achieved what seemed impossible: possession during all professional schools. The key, he argues Yovera-was in fact contextualize the life and work of the poet to the historical events of the country and the world.

The course became a space for reflection on the crisis in the country, schools of thought: the role of anarchism, the proposed primitive APRA and the rise of socialist ideas. The totalitarian intolerance obscurantism. The crisis in Europe. Fascism and the Spanish Civil War. The experience of the former USSR. In addition, they studied the work of Vallejo in the context of globalization and neoliberalism, therefore there was talk of social and cultural model of "development" primary exporting fundamentalism and a single thought. It was the straw that broke the glass.

He started a real witch hunt. Mr. Juan Manuel Pacheco Zeballos, Director General of the North Lima UCV, we aim to put teachers and accused of "apology for terrorism." Dismissed at a stroke.

Yovera said, our sources have obviously been Vallejo's own texts, the Basadre, Mariátegui, Ricardo Gonzalez Vigil, Marco Martos, Octavio Paz, among others, also those of Chomsky and Petras, and indeed, the articles Cesar Hildebrandt and Carlin notes. For Mr. Pacheco, this material leads to terrorist positions. It is unfortunate that a university is however emerging, have authorities that behave as true overseers, says Julio Yovera.

While teachers are fired for Vallejo Chair disseminate the work of the poet, at the same university some people have trouble with the law of their country (the case of Bolivia Jorge Torres Wafers refugee accused of crimes against humanity) and yet are protected by President Garcia and Mr. Acuña.

Ballona Yovera July, former Chair in the academic coordinator of Vallejo has been recognized for its commitment to Vallejo by the INC Cusco, most recently the Provincial Municipality of Santiago de Chuco, the land of Vallejo, declared him his adopted son. That does not matter to the authorities of the UCV.

Vallejo is not only on the street, are also with him the 12 teachers who spread it in the classroom.

Tupac Yupanqui Isaac Esteban IIJuan Villaloboshttp: / /

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