Thursday, July 26, 2012

Correction Idiomatic: Queísmo And Dequeísmo

Queísmo and Dequeísmo dequeísmo The queísmo and two idiomatic errors that most often occur.

The queísmo involves the removal of a preposition must come before the conjunction "that". The preposition is usually removed preposition, sometimes also eliminated other prepositions (in, with). Examples:

Incorrect: Correct:

I learned it was false. ... That

I'm sure will come. ... That

We agreed that we would be at three. ... That.

That was formed out twice. ... That

The dequeísmo is the misuse of the preposition "of" before the conjunction "than" ex.:

Announced that measures will be taken soon. ... That

She told me not to engage in the act. ... That.

To recognize whether or not the preposition used, we switch (the part of the sentence that follows the verb) the term "IT" or by the expressions "it", "IN IT", "with that." If you switch correctly by "it" means you should not use the preposition. If you switch to "ON IT", "IN IT" or "with it", the preposition should be used accordingly. Examples:

He said he would not. = Said that. I learned to come. = I heard that.

There are a lot of verbs with which we make the mistake queísmo called because they are pronominal verbs require the use of prepositions, for example: remember, realize, learn, realize, sure, brag, boast, long for, settle, tired, stressed, etc.. There are also many nouns and adjectives that require preposition, for example: I have the hope of his return. It has the feeling that something good will happen. I have a hunch that I will do very well. I have the certainty that is so. I have confidence that triumph. I am sure that it is. He knew it was false.

The recall does not apply verb preposition and can not be used preceded by the pronominal forms, it must be said, because I remember that happened here. Remember what happened here. And do not say, for example: I remember that happened here. I remember that happened here. I remember that happened here. Just the opposite occurs with the verb remember, for this it is pronominal. It must be said, for example: I remember that happened here. It was agreed that happened here. Sometimes, strange to say, the preposition is followed by the conjunction doubtful if: You do not remember whether it was three or four.

To realize the verb phrase, which requires a pronoun and the preposition of, committed two errors: sometimes the preposition is removed and sometimes stands in the place that it does not. Let's see: I realized it was fake . I knew it was fake account. The correct expression is I realized it was fake. Just remember that the verb, the verb phrase can be followed by the conjunction if: I did not notice if she was there.


It boasts all-knowing. He boasts that

He did not realize that it was too late. He did not realize that

It was agreed that he had to leave early. It was agreed that ...

Remember that you must return early. Remember that ...

He did not realize that what we saw. He did not realize that ...

First Make sure that it is. Make sure that

I remember that it was very cold. I remember that ...

I do not remember if she participated. I do not remember if it ...

First he noted that we should not copy. Noted that ...

He was content to visit her once a month. ... He was content that

They reported that they would take drastic measures. They reported that ...

Did you realize that he was there? You realize that ...

Then he realized that his hands shook. Then he realized that ...

They told me they were not coming. They told me ... ...

I have hope you will come back. I have the hope that ...

He learned that was not true. ... He learned that

We agreed that we would be on Tuesday. We agreed that ...

That day I was certain we would win. I was sure that ...

He remembered he had to return the book. He recalled that ... It was agreed that ...

They said they would meet at five. They said ...

The president announced that steps would be taken. Announced that ...

I did not realize if they were late. I did not realize if they ...

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