Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Uses of Reflective Tape

Reflective tape at the thought comes to mind bright vests worn by police officers or operators who work in public, but the reality is that these tapes have other applications, and help people display in hazardous areas or low visibility.

Before you can see the different uses of this film, we know how it is composed. In general, the reflective tape is made of retroreflective microprism covered by a polymer layer to protect them from moisture and dirt and to make them resistant to abrasion and solvents or harmful fluids. These micro glow when light hits them and make the object that has this tape is visible from a distance or in areas where visibility is compromised. These tapes are generally self-adherent, but can also be sewn into clothing or sealed.

Some applications that may be of reflective tape, as well as highlight the clothes in general are out trucks, SUVs, vans, school buses, motorcycles, taxis, bicycles and vehicles in general. Sometimes also used in helmets for motorcyclists, cyclists backpacks or coolers of the people who perform deliveries. At other times it has been used to highlight signboards in public places, safety cones, handrails and emergency telephones on highways or buildings extinguishers and life jackets.

As you will see this product is extremely useful to avoid any accidents and to help better visualize objects or people in situations where vision can deceive.

Due to the large number of applications that can be given to this film, have created different types, such as those used in fire uniforms are more resistant to heat. The maintenance of these tapes is very simple, we generally wipe with a damp cloth in warm water without using abrasives. Should be treated as washing a delicate fabric.

The sale of reflective tape is made in several places, you can generally find on the internet or in houses that sell signal, but the most important thing to note is that the product is in condition and with a doubt, consult a dealer lead to the product that best suits our needs.

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