Saturday, July 28, 2012

Who gets the house after a divorce?

In divorce proceedings conducted through litigation, one of the most difficult and time consuming is the choice of which of the two partners will stay with the house they shared during their marriage. However before taking any decision on taking into account the following:

If you stay with the house ...

a) You must be sure to stay with it makes sense to you, not from a sentimental point of view, but financially.

b) If the house is mortgaged, think not only that, but also in repairs, maintenance, property taxes, water, electricity and other services and expenses will have to assume.

c) To stay with the house in full, will have to pay your spouse the value of your hand, which is calculated by determining the value of the home minus the mortgage still owed, if any. Perhaps you could "trade" goods. That is, you'd have to give up your half of some assets you own jointly with your spouse to pay half of the house.

Believes that by staying with the house could achieve stability in a time of instability in your life. Perhaps you want to stay with her until the time of divorce overcome and then decide what is best for you to do. On the other hand thinks that selling the house could release them both and it would benefit you to start a new life.

Think about it and take a decision that benefits you.

If you sell the house ...

As mentioned, usually sell the home could not only improve your situation, but also that of your ex-partner. Consider how well you can sell, subtract the costs you have to do to sell and the amount owed on the mortgage, if applicable. If you plan to sell the product to divide, subtract that amount in half. What you have left will give you a solid financial base in order to find a new residence.

Your former partner is left with the house ...

If your former spouse is going to stay with the house, be sure to make a valuation of the property. Also, get used to the idea that it will not be home. It also takes into account your former partner may remarry and take your new partner to the house.

With information from:

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant post!.i love it reading of this excellent post.Really, i like the fact that you best life tips gets the house after a divorce made it so easy for people like me to read. Thanks for a wonderful share.

    Selling a House During Divorce
