Friday, July 6, 2012

Know Your Web Hosting Service - The Difference Between VPS and Shared Hosting

As both consumers and industry have matured, packages and features offered by web hosting companies have also evolved. Today, a wide variety of web hosting and even more sub-divisions can be overwhelming when choosing, even for a technician. In this article meet your web hosting service, we will explain the difference between VPS (Virtual Private Server) and shared web hosting. This will help you decide your hosting correctly next time.

The main difference between VPS and shared hosting is the way that web servers are configured. Both types of web hosting allows a single web server to be shared by many customers. What separates them is that in VPS, the web server is divided so that each partition acts as virtual dedicated server allows maximum freedom and the functionality of a web hosting client. On the other hand, shared hostingweb plans operate on a web server with a single operating system and various web sites to share their resources. This means that the Virtual Private Server shared hardware resources only, while all shared web hosting and software and hardware resources are shared. This increases the likelihood of a server crash.

Virtual Private Servers (VPS) are designed to be cheaper than a dedicated web server, allowing multiple customers share hardware resources of a computer, but with a high level of privacy and isolation of each client. This separation is achieved by running a complete operating system for each client. Each client has a VPS with root level access and enjoy many advantages of a dedicated server at a price much cheaper. Each virtual private server has its own IP address, users, groups, ports, firewall rules, archives and libraries. With the exception of hardware, very few of the software resources are shared, which increases the reliability of web hosting.

Shared web hosting is perfect for the first owners of websites that consume few resources. As is also the most economical and easy to use, so make the most sense for most web site owners. However, there are some drawbacks that make it unsuitable for high volume web site or web site where uptime is very important. In shared hosting mexico, all web sites mostly share the same IP and server name. This makes your website more vulnerable because if the IP suffers DDOS attack, all websites hosted on that IP may be disconnected until the attack is neutralized. In many cases an IP address falls on a blacklist because of spam activity of a single client. If you also share the IP blacklisted, then your mail will also be blacklisted.

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