Friday, July 13, 2012

How to Stop Negative Thinking

How to stop thoughts negativosLos experts say that our personal life depends on our thoughts. A person with negative thoughts can not reach the inner happiness, so his personal life is always going to be stuck, however those who choose to keep positive thoughts reflect a more bearable and happy life despite crossing the same problems that pessimistic thinkers

We can all feel overwhelmed by difficult situations we are facing, but we must dare to overcome the negativity and pessimism that meet at a time to shape our character and personality. There are people who regularly are more pessimistic than others and today I want to introduce the techniques that I use to stop negative thoughts.

Since negative thoughts block your energy and your desire to improve yourself, you must stop immediately, and how do we achieve this feat?

Avoiding continue that thought, DO NOT ALLOW to last in your mind. The danger is that you feed that thought for a long time allowing hatch in your mind, negative thoughts I catalog as a virus that quickly eats away all your hopes and dreams you have in your heart these thoughts defeat you and make you believe that you can not achieve that you crave and finally end up giving up.

Negative thoughts are formed by one or more delusions acquired as a result of a failed love affair, failure of a business, being unable to fulfill this dream you want, or just for everyday problems concerning health, economics, or family problems. These negative thoughts are formed at the inability to resolve them immediately, because as you concentrate and fix your attention on what is causing you pain, anxiety, sadness and fear, negative thoughts cling harder and harder to avoid.

The simplest way to stop them is by putting a high and looking for more productive things to do, without being swayed by the thoughts fatalistic.

Ignoring what they say, negative thoughts will always accuse you of all the problems, "because of you, for your great fault ... everything that happens to you is because you believed you could, but you see, you can do nothing, you are unable to do something good "Never repeat that, because what comes out of your mouth that you tie yourself to the rest of your life.

Turns his back to that negative thought and think otherwise based on what God wants for you and certainly wants the best, bigger, higher, that's why I gave life and a lot of intelligence to be able to get ahead, so you have abundant life and be happy with your partner and others.

Do not give up easily. Think about this: many people right now at this very moment, are far less than you, but do not let themselves be overcome by thoughts of defeat. In addition a small failure is not a defeat nor a lost war, so many people learned from their failures and became stronger and then shine like never before. Here we have an Open Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Walt Disney. And many others who had every reason to sit and think that both fail, but unlike those pessimistic thoughts avoided, ignored them and thought differently. Only thus became a lamp so far talks about them.

Remember that the mind is powerful in them are created and destroyed the possibilities of doing great things and immortalize them forever.

Leave me a message and I'll be answering all joy soon.



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