Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Christians and Divorce: Six Myths About The Effects Of Divorce On Children And Adults

Christianity says that divorce has many negative effects on children, however, there are situations that can not be avoided. Here are the negative effects:

Adult children are not affected financially. That is true. Many adults today are not self-sufficient and rely on their parents in their 20's and even into her 30's. A divorce can affect the ability of parents to help them financially in college and to find a job. The separation of assets also means the separation of family property may have been the inheritance to them.

In addition, there are parents who can not be financially stable and will need financial assistance for children at some point.

Adult children are not put in the center when there is a divorce. Parents often reveal information to their children that creates a dilemma for adults and children. This information often has to do with shortcomings of their parents, and that makes them question the character of the parents. Telling children negative things parents can affect their adult lives. The pressure of a parent causes internal conflicts in the child.

Adult children do not have many adjustments during the divorce. The settings for adult children will in fact be important and stressful. They are a way to handle adult responsibilities, which may include family, children, work, bills, college and / or busy schedule.

Having to combine holidays and other events with parents who do not want to be together at events, feel the tension and the need to see each parent separately on holidays is a great idea.

Adult children do not feel responsible for the divorce. Young children often blame themselves for the divorce of their parents. Do not worry about his mom when his dad or his dad when he is with his mom, but when their parents are alone do care.

When a parent is hurting emotionally, you feel the need for emotional support and comfort of parents. The children will feel responsible to spend more time with parents. If one or both parents have financial difficulties due to the rupture, the adult child to help fight.

Children may even have to deal with a father having to move home. They may even feel that their responsibility is to address the cause of parental divorce and get them together again.

Adult children do not feel the loss of a family when a divorce occurs. Not true, adult children suffer a great loss. They are deprived of the past especially if they learn that their parents have had problems throughout the marriage and what he thought about his family is not true. Even when adult children living away from home that can be returned. The family provides security, a sense of belonging, identity and shared history. What was once a family is now split in two and that is a destabilizing.

Adult children are not affected spiritually. This is not true. They may have a spiritual crisis that includes the questioning of his faith.

They can challenge their parents' beliefs have been raised in a Christian home with a faith that does not allow divorce and parents are divorcing. You can also question the ability and willingness of God to answer prayer when you can not save the marriage of their parents. They may even feel less secure in your own marriage or the institution of marriage because her parents could not be together.

Although there are times when Christians must resort to divorce, it is important to know the truth about how the family is affected. You need to understand these six myths about adult children are affected by divorce so you can respond appropriately to a situation like this.

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