Sunday, July 8, 2012

In The Prehistory of advertising Aplus Field Marketing


Aplus see the Field Marketing as a communication tool that is responsible for transmitting messages from the brands "face", ie through people, to consumers at point of sale has its origins in the beginning of the advertising, after years of evolution back to our roots and adapt those claims now prehistoric.

The prehistory of advertising brings us to the ancient and feudal worlds where oral and written complaints were part of a social system based on slavery and serfdom. As in every age, the economy and society explain how to communicate and the media used to inform and persuade. Even in an autarkic system, agriculture and livelihood, with little foreign markets and where they struggle to meet basic needs, people find a way to demand attention to what they wanted to present. They could do yelling and pointing in the streets, in the small local markets, we can consider the first stores and annual fairs.

1. The oral complaint (for sale)

In Greece the herald or kerux is the vehicle of public messages (political, religious, legal or economic), but occasionally accept commissions of all kinds. In Rome the business is intense, there are craft shops, street vendors, markets and a significant number of merchants praeco instruct the dissemination of commercial messages.

In the Middle Ages played an informative work heralds the service of king or noble, and sometimes also by individuals. But there are three figures that are directly linked to trade: merchants, if not using the services of a preacher, personally encouraged the public to proclaim the qualities of their products, the charlatan, an intermediary between the craftsman and buyers, and the peddlers , which also often touted for their articles.

2. The written claim (advertising at the point of sale)

In cities and other locations needed to publicize the places where they were officers, religious and also offering products or services. To make the signals used in a way a forerunner of what we now call corporate visual identity. Both unions, organized by streets, as shops, that are putting in more dispersed locations, are identified by banners and posters. The former are figurative signs and symbols that are placed at the entrances to streets, taverns and shops. Were the most advanced iron or wooden plaques decorated hanging in a move towards the street or on the wall, do not you remember the signs of shops, bars and all types of existing facilities? This formula rampant throughout the Middle Ages by the expansion of commercial activity within and serving their communicative function despite illiteracy.

The poster of this era can be considered the first history of outdoor advertising, but their messages were then rarely commercial. In Greece, the axons were used, pieces of wood together and painted white where the messages were written mainly government, but also other types of information. A variant kyrbos were cylindrical in shape. In Rome there was the dawn and libelli, papyrus set in different places frequented surfaces that were used to convey official messages. The first painted white were reused in order to put up new registrations.

In addition there was another practice that will sound strange graffiti, painted informal citizens were on the walls, usually to ask for something or protest.

In the Middle Ages written complaint formulas were infrequent and did not contain circulating trade references. Booksellers only created their posters to put the title and the price of works sold.

Aplus is Field Marketing!

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