Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Power of Your Words

Have you ever wondered why I get things wrong? Or why is this happening to me? The reality is that everyone at some point in our lives we have spent this kind of thinking by the mind from some circumstance or situation. The attitude we take to the everyday situations are what will determine how it will flow throughout your day. Most times we tend to think negatively to certain events, which paralyzes us and limits to explore new ways of seeing things.

Our words have power, so says the Bible, says neuro-linguistic programming and so I see every day in our lives. In the Bible Job is an example of saying that what I feared that I came. We have seen people who are deemed gross also, incapable, powerless and unworthy. These people probably heard this from a teacher or a parent or simply adopted the idea that eventually end up believing it without realizing that the body is responding to what they claim about themselves.

I've seen people who have changed their way of speaking and thinking and have had extraordinary results in their lives. Often complicated and sustained search for solutions because we believe you should always be so, but yet we go unnoticed if we change the attitude of negativity or negative words we can see significant changes. We should always look on the bright side of things because of everything bad that happens to us there is always something positive to take out. I like words that God told the prophet Jeremiah when he complained about it; "if culled the precious from the vile, thou shalt be as my mouth?, Iwao! what kind of advice from the divine creator.

Finally, the power to choose what we proclaim ourselves so if we can not expect negative thoughts positive things, but if we proclaim positive thoughts and attitudes we see how things are flowing differently. I leave you with these questions that will help you see life from another perspective.

What will change if he acted this way? Are my words MECL life or death? Have I gone to other situations worse than this? Why then could not get out of this? What then is holding me back?

REMEMBER THESE WORDS If you change your change your thoughts and CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS Eventually your attitude and aptitude.

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