Monday, July 23, 2012

You Are What You Think

If you light a candle flame we see is always upright, as if searching the sky, while the candle wax melts and the level of height of the candle is declining, yet the flame still erect, with the same force with which he began his llama.La wax represents the individual's body with the passage of time is deteriorated, the flame represents the spiritual soul, always with the same force. The wax melts and lower the flame maintains its strength to want to be looking at the sky, as is the human, physical hand pulls the material, while the spiritual part for its essence, the wick could say that is the soul instinctively to be put to work in terms of spiritual and so potenciarla.Así are a spiritual soul in a physical body to interact in a physical world, but our mission and esencia.Esta connection with the spiritual soul of a body vested can physically manifest in this physical world, through the "garments of the soul? They are: Thoughts, Words and Acción.El thought is undoubtedly the innermost expression, but the generosity of other dos.Tanto think that we can as we can not be right, because the generator is that possibility and realidad.Pensar back is something we do constantly, like breathing, but the thought can be channeled and controlado.Es as if there were two radio stations you can tune in: Radio and radio jai chaos.

From the first we can achieve positive thoughts, connected to our essence. The thoughts that come from Radio Chaos are those who manage to paralyze or pessimistic to think that we are incapable of certain logros.Pero also achieve these thoughts affect our children when we say: ? you do not know how to do that? "You're useless? "Everything you do wrong?, Tired and sometimes brave we are able to say things that we ourselves do not remember cuenta.Hace many years in college when I had a friend who went wrong in an exam and quoted his mother, is coming school and that was before the yelling and saying terrible things, the only head down, I think to not see who was around. Many years later, while on the beach once heard behind me a lady yelling at someone in a very ugly, insulting, I stop and turn to her, thinking I would be embarrassed to see me nagging him whom I supposed was one of their children, what was my surprise to see my partner with his head down just being scolded, not for his mother, but sometimes we esposa.Muchas by molding our children without realizing it, thinking things that, being annoying , we say without realizing that what we say can be so terrible or does not correspond proportionally so that we are scolded.

Our thoughts produce realities that can not only affect us, but our environment familiar and good and laborar.Piensa positivoSiempre result is that our children misbehave, correct them, we look to not misbehave. Grab your kids doing good things, Encourage them to cute! Waw!, Not just when they do bad things and correct them. Love and motivation are transmitted every day that building self-esteem and personality, that bring out the best potential that each one is dentro.Si your thinking is focused on what you do not like that is what expands. If you are always aware of what you can not or do not want, for example.? I'm fat I have to close your mouth?, Always focusing on the bad and not bueno.Si that process it that way, to solve your problems you solve your thoughts primero.El thinking and visualization are related, your thoughts are able to specify what you want, not thinking negatively: That I am ugly!, I can not go on like this! You have to tune in to what we want to work, not what we want to avoid:?! I will cuidarme1 That good I look!? We spent years training in what we want, best executive, mother, but not train the mind hence the pensamiento.El fight with someone, rage, anger, grief, anger, sadness, produces changes in blood pressure may rise to thoughts , suggestion and cause panic attacks, stress, dreams, everything comes from the thought.

We must work with what creates the emotions? Thought We began with a thought and we ended up with a reality and create the best way to live, that is how you create a life.The ancestor of everything that happens in the physical world, came first in thought form. You train as we do when children with feelings come esfínteres.Los control by thought and thought is a form of transformation, we think that we are, whether you think you can or can not you're right, because that is the principle of taking decisions and determine your anger really vida.Eres therefore your thinking and you can control, and thus guide your way towards the positive, productive and sacred, realizing dreams, goals and discarding a "luggage? unnecessary weighs increasingly through life and also pass on to our hijos.Rabi Wolf of Zhitomir said? The thought is essentially infinite and the word it limits. So, why is the man to speak? I'll tell you: the role of the word is to humanize the rage pensamiento.Igualmente AUDI, answering from whence came the thought said: "Comes the Sun.

Up and down the sky giving reality to things, but not things. If you look straight blind, but if ever you look, if you hide from it, sick. Likewise, the thought must go up and down to illuminate our body on earth. Find the spring of thought is constantly available to flourish. Who is the sun of his mind directs the light of their steps.? Focus your mind on things that help us achieve a better life, not only in material terms espirituales.Somos also what we think, if we like what we see, we must change our thinking. Because what we think is the reality we see, is what we perceive that realidad.Si tune with our spiritual side, that's what we perceive, and be conducting channels that divine essence, but if you connect our limitations, we limit it is its essence in this momento.Podemos take two general ways of perceiving reality, one objective: to overcome our weaknesses and other subjective: justify. It is a day job as the bad thoughts are there where they are left in life entrarCuando something positive happens to us and express ourselves:?!

It can not be !?,?! not believe you!?, What we are doing is denying the good, how beautiful we are rejecting sucede.Imagina us that every time you think something negative, there is a drop of water , will be creating over time a sea of ​​bitterness or Baal Shem Tov, that looking like a drop of water was puncturing a rock and thought if that little drop could do that, he could begin to study Torah at the age I had. We must penetrate these walls of pessimism and negative thoughts with positive thoughts and drop goals that Iran piercing the walls of the negative and thus make our life a world of possibilities and development, generating a simple positive thinking. " Man is not perfect but when you associate the thought into action? (Maimonides) The words should always be visible form of thought, and actions according to what they think and say, so "I think, therefore I am?. Let's use the words to translate our thoughts and not to hide and disguise that we are what we think. "farthest limit and to which my thoughts will be free of obstacles is the horizon of the mind. Of this, I suppose, comes from that captures the eye. "(Helen Keller), thinking we capture what we see, is why the appreciation of things is subjective, each according to their perceived reality, and is We are what we think ....

Like it or no.Nelly Klein Bibliography: 1.-Tales of the Hasidim by Mario Oraita Satz2.-Guide for the Perplexed by Maimonides3.-Works of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov

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