Thursday, July 26, 2012

After The That ...

The ESO is structured so that at 16 years, students should consider when and where your life. have completed compulsory education, but now what? Some of them, or depleted of student life, or by economic issues or simply because they want to, try to enter the workforce, which will provide money to support (although it would now doubt). Obviously I could not have everything, and if you decide not to continue studying, one must assume the consequences. Works in most technical cases, with a base salary and, obviously, a reduced labor supply personal capacity involves dropping out. Some others choose to start mid-level vocational training. The courses offer knowledge to the next job. Students better prepared and trained before are eligible for more job offers than before. The average degree cycles allow students to pursue higher level training, which is also accessed through the school. The training courses are also in vocational studies FP. Through the upper level training students will have a great training for better jobs, and will also have the opportunity to enter university.

One of the more career options, taking into account the possibilities and opportunities. To conclude, studies chosen by the majority: the high school. Following studies of the ESO, the school gives general knowledge of the various materials with which the young grow as a person and acquire general knowledge. From now on, must decide whether enter the workforce or training cycles to start up, or examined the selectivity and start at the university for further specialization. Whichever option you opted to you, this is a very important decision that students should to take it easy and great forethought and, if possible, with the help of a tutor for advice.

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