Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Emotional Intelligence and Productivity

"Looking back is better than a forward." Archimedes


Individuals as they move to integrate the companies, organizations, do so with the backing of his personality, character, knowledge, of course with their emotions, feelings, known issues to handle in the performance of their duties, therefore, managers , leaders should not neglect to ensure that these emotions are well focused, that give way to actions to ensure productivity and efficiency.

Hence, it is important in representing emotions in the performance of the functions, performance, so that they can successfully manage and guarantee excellent results, as it has discussed with Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence.


Emotional intelligence, emotions, motivation, performance, productivity.

Basic Considerations, scope, annotations

There is no denying, as it says in its latest bulletin wharton.universia.net August 2011, that the author, psychologist and journalist Daniel Goleman generated great interest in the role that emotions play in thinking, decision making and individual success when he published the book Emotional Intelligence in 1995.

Goleman believes that emotional intelligence has been gaining weight in corporate structures, while recognizing that the speed is different in different countries. "Under the pattern of emotional intelligence, companies can calculate the chances of success of an individual with greater accuracy than if only assess their IQ," a key issue as it is when the best professionals have become increasingly important for survival the economic environment. To prove his theory, this psychologist, as an example the professional performance of those in his day could have been classmates: "The best of the class, with a high IQ, has proved to be a lower to job success student who was an average student. The difference between them is that the latter is able not only to control their own emotions, but also positively influence the working groups. Everyone wants to work with him. "

Goleman points out precisely this ability to mediate the mood of a group is considered one of the virtues of emotional intelligence. "When you're the leader of a team, the impact that has on the emotional state of the whole is greater. All are attentive to the mood of the head and conform to it," he says. In his opinion, "swings in moods are reflected in the levels of production. It tends to lower when the group is depressed and the rise in the opposite case." Just as the mind of the leader is evaluated by employees, so are their actions. So, says Wharton Universia, Goleman, that the trend continues some companies, such as Spain to announce major layoffs through media, without informing their staff properly before, is a serious error. "When an organization is forced to take these drastic measures, it is necessary to stop and think how the place and the impact they have on the morale of those who remain in the company."

Definitely, we add the source of information indicated that at the significant impact of emotional intelligence in the income statement of a company, Goleman believes that universities and business schools should turn this philosophy into a new assignment plan studies. In his view, academic institutions focus their efforts on teaching techniques, leaving aside other more social learning. But what can be done in a country like Spain where the average age of chief executives of large companies around 70 years and no longer going to go through college?

The expert recognizes the difficulty of instilling this knowledge to those who have played for many years in the same position and have never taken into account emotional intelligence. For Goleman, the answer is simple: "Only if you really want to change it." As an example, uses U.S. managers, which rotate in office four or five years, while in Spain the tendency is to stay in position. In fact, Telefónica and BBVA bank, for example, used the last amendment of its constitution to extend the age limit of its management board to avoid having to initiate a process of succession of its top executives.

Fortunately, the graduate program specializing in quality management and productivity? Rea Faces graduate of the University of Carabobo, Valencia, Venezuela through his teaching of organizational behavior has taken into account all these aspects has given much importance to the management of emotions, especially when it focuses on identifying tools, knowledge should be used to optimize towards favorable results of the individual (worker) in its performance and everything to ensure productivity and job satisfaction.

This course takes into account the tools that can help the worker, the manager to ensure management of favorable emotional intelligence, practiced with case studies, with personal experiences that the participant is facing or may be generated in the company any time and affect the company's organizational behavior.

So far, results have been favorable, because such knowledge and tools have contributed significantly towards personal growth, professional and therefore in the interest of the proper use of emotions to ensure productivity.


Definitely have to identify with the need to manage, knowing manage emotions appropriately, so that they entail to promote results, not only favorable to the individual in favor of their behavior, behavior, relationships, personal growth, but conducive all, plans business objectives towards its mission and vision is very important to bear in mind and give all the support that will guarantee that this is a reality, no doubt much to help companies and their human resources.

* University Professor, Graduate Faces, University of Carabobo. Exatec.


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